Support Group for carnivore/ketogenic diet

On paper there isnt much science on why carniviore diet is healthy, according to most dietians it is even considered to be one dimensional and bad.

There are some theories I came across though.

  1. The things that ozeph said. That it basically creates a enviroment which is beneficial for correct gene expression and signaling.
  2. There is some strange theory that the water that is used in the body through low carb metabolization is actually different from the water the most consume orally. Basically the water used by ketone pathways contains less deuterium. Here is a study:
    and here is some information:
  3. Carniviore and low carb work because they are just bascially an elemination diets and certain people develop different food intolerances and allergies. Thats why people with autoimmune disorders may have greater results…
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Right. Well I’ve been interested in trying keto diet for some time as I am a mild case (only sexual). I wonder if ketosis may result in healing of the sexual sides. This is all based entirely on the assumption that finasteride did in fact cause epigenetic changes in the CNS causing the symptoms, rather than simply CNS-localized hormonal or signalling imbalance.

I’m not sold on carnivore personally, but keto seems worth a shot. I’ve been progessively excluding carb foods from my supermarket shoppings. Currently working towards a meat-eggs-dairy-veggies only diet with water and some low-carb milks like almond and coconut. Maybe some black coffee now and then in the mornings. I’ll see how it goes.

Main thing I’m worried about is constipation, as I’ve always noticed constipation whenever I went with low fiber foods for a few days.
Is there any zero/low-carb-high-fiber food that works wonders for constipation?

Yes there is: cold potato starch mixed with cold water. It’s a resistant starch unless heated to high temperature. It will not be digested and is all available for fermentation by bacteria in your guts. I take it with probiotics.

Inulin is also a soluble fiber. The problem with it is it will be very readily available to bacteria in your upper digestive track and they will consume it all before it can go down the track.

Yes, it can apparently be a godsend for people with autoimmune conditions. It’s very possible that PFS has a significant autoimmune component. That’s on top of its epigenetic repair strengths (though apparently it’s also possible to get those without being meat only for example David Sinclair’s diet)

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This group was started 4 days ago. I takes 2 days for the carbs reserves in our body to be depleted.

Surely someone must be struggling with intense carbs craving, sudden fatigue, diarrhea or something ?

The group has been formed to give support for those specific cases. After we’ve all pass that point, we be sharing things like “it’s boring to eat the same thing everyday…” (and yes it is)

Of course, we’ll also share results !

Don’t hesitate to share !

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Just got over the initial hump of fatique and carb cravings and feels good to be on the other side :slight_smile: Felt some pleasant libido while doing yoga this morning. I hope everyone is doing well.

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Im not 100% on keto yet, but very low on carbs. Its certainly a big job to measure the macros, but with time i think its possible to go full keto. The last three weeks i have done alot of fasting, only been eating meat, dairy and vegetables. Had alot of headache and some diarrhea but that is gone now. My mood and energy has improved much. The last two days i also felt more connected to my body, when i touch my skin it feels better. My orgasms also feels a little better. Today i had an erection from just visual stimuly, cant remember last time that happend.

So i feel positive and im beginning to think that i might beat this shitty condition with time.

Next week im also going to add some supplements one by one.

Congratulation ! That’s the hardest part !
Thank you for sharing results ! Keep sharing as things evolve

@christkr Looks to me like your body has been periodically in ketosis (fasting does that) and it looks like you had keto-flu already. You’re very close ! The only macro to check is the carbs. For the rest, eat a lot of fat and some fatty meat. Dairy is not recommended (too much L-Cystein and too much carbs, plus there’s lactose) and for vegetable you really need to check them out. They can cause inflammation, hormonal changes and have lots of carbs unless you select the few that doesn’t.
Congratulation on the improvements !

Hey guys !

Being encouraged by your efforts on the diet, I decided to cut carbs even further. I must now be below 10gr a day.
I’ve had 2 nights in a row with 7 hours of straight, uninterrupted sleep !

In the last 3 months I had a single night of 8 hours uninterrupted sleep (first time since I crashed) but that was after an ugly night the night before, so I was exhausted, I never got such good sleep 2 nights in a row !

Something is happening. I know I take shit loads of sleep meds and herbs, but even with those I would sleep only 4-5 hours before waking up fully alert and then tossing and turning the rest of the night, sleeping in between.
Not only I’m not becoming tolerant to those meds and herbs, but sleep is improving. I dare hope one day I’ll be able to tapper off the meds and herbs.

Also the burning eyes I got in the shower disappeared and dry, burning lips I had many years pre-crash no longer requires I put vaseline after washing my face or brushing my teeth. This is a first in 6 years. I crashed 3 years ago but insomnia, burning eyes, burning dry lips, anxiety appeared 3-4 years before I crashed, while I was still taking fin (and there was probably more symptoms, like lack of confidence, stomach upset, food not going down etc… but I didn’t know about pfs back then so I thought it was just the way I was normally)

Anyway. all those symptoms are gone and insomnia is getting slowly better (Lol… Very slowly !)

Just wanted to share. I believe there’s reason for hope !

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Hey that’s awesome. I hope you see continued improvements! Question for you, I saw you drink coffee still and I do to. Do you think that could be holding us back by upsetting the adrenals or causing inflammation?

From What I’ve read, caffeine helps produce testosterone. It does also raise cortisol (adrenals). It’s a very good source of antioxidants (polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids) which can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation unless you’re allergic to it.

So It’s got its pros and cons. I use 2 tsp of decaf and 1/2 tsp of normal coffee. So the coffee I drink has 80% less caffeine than if I used full caffeine coffee only. Decaf has the same antioxidant properties as regular coffee.

I’m also cutting aspartame which I have stubbornly taken despite my better judgment. Aspartame can turn into glutamate, the overwhelming quantity of which is at the core of my insomnia IMO as well as my inability to produce GABA properly, glutamate being an antagonist.

The disease has been described (in a nut shell) as a poly glutamine complex toxicity due to androgen receptor silencing (by modifying the epigenome to silence the AR). Glutamate is part of the glutamine complex.
I also believe that this toxicity is responsible for killing our good guts bacteria (all bifidus strands and e-colie if my information is correct)

Here are ways to lower Glutamate:

Many pfs symptoms are the same as Glutamate excess symptoms. They also talk about bacterial infection.

Read the article. It’s very pertinent to our situation and also explains why diet works. The author suggest that following a low-carb Paleo diet (under 50 grams of carbs per day, high in animal protein, and moderate in fat) is the ideal diet for maintaining the balance between GABA and glutamate. That’s for people that are high in Histamine (have increased allergic reactions). However, this does not produce ketones body and will not heal the epigenome.
The author does mention that a ketogenic diet has been found to favor GABA production and be exceptionally beneficial in the treatment of many conditions associated with excess glutamate. So it really depends on your histamine levels. and for that I suggest testing if you fare better with the paleo version given above (for a short period, to adapt) or the ketogenic diet.

Finally, the article does mention pfs and other causes as to why people are here.

Thanks for sharing. I think on prior attempts at this, I was doing something closer to a paleo situation and felt better on that than I currently feel. Might have to tweak my approach in that direction.

Hey how are you feelings these days?

Anyone else try this diet?

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Looking forward to try carnivore also. But I’m really worried if it could make my food sensitivities even worse…
Also how could I get enough calories daily by this diet?
Thank you all in advance

I know very little people that are allergic to beef. The carnivore diet, based on fat cuts of beef, also eliminates all allergens. It’s just beef, salt and water. Try it slowly at first, take one meal with only those 3 ingredients. You can also have butter, for it’s similar to beef fat. See how you feel with this one meal. Eat as much as you want, but only beef, salt and water.

As for calories, the more you eat the more you get. Proteins have 4 calories per gram (same as carbs). Fat has 9 calories per gram. So the trick to get enough calories is to eat more fat.
The carnivore / ketogenic diet I was following at first had only 125 gr of protein, for 500 calories. The rest, 1500 calories, I was getting from fat. The goal is to be in ketosis, and protein does not do that. Fat does.

So you can try a carnivore diet, but what I’m suggesting here is a carnivore/ketogenic diet: a limited protein diet (but more than enough for your needs) with the rest of the calories coming from fat instead of carbs.

If you choose to get on the diet, study ketogenic diet. It’s to be expected that the first week is difficult. Your body is used to carbs and not used to burning fat as it’s main source of energy. It has become lazy. With perseverance, it takes 3-6 months to be fully fat adapted. At that point, your body is very comfortable burning fat. But only the first week is physically hard, especially the second and third day. After that, it’s psychologically hard but that depends on the person. Some people are Ok eating the same thing all the time, I got used to it, others can’t forget ice cream and other stuff.

I wish you good luck and I’m here if you have questions or need support.

yeah, must be raelly difficulty indeed. i really love meat, mainly beef. but i like pork and chicken and fish too. are those prohibited at this diet, and if so, why?

my concern is acquiring new sensivities. i’m certainly not allergic to meat, but what i fear is becoming allergic to all the other things after a long period eating only meat and fat. like maybe nuking my microbiome and the bacteria that eats other foods.

also, how much ghee would i need to get all those calories from just fat? like a cup? lol

Also, how about muscle gain with protein only? Doesn’t it need carb to grew, or is it just a misconception

Let me answer all those questions

Not that difficult and certainly easier than pfs.

No, other meat are not prohibited. But as you said above, if you eat only beef it won’t happen. You can also tuned down your concerns and eat pork and chicken and fish too ! Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I just stating a fact.

To me it did the opposite. I can now tolerate the food I was allergic to, It fixes leaky guts which goes a long way toward food allergies.

I’m taking fibers and probiotics to fix that, but it was not an issue that I could identify. I took the probiotics because it felt like a good thing to do. I don’t feel the difference.

A cup would give you 2250 calories. Unless you’re very active, it’d be too much. I take about 180ml of fat a day + proteins.

Muscles are definitely not made of carbs, but made of protein. In my home country, Inuits don’t eat carbs at all and they have muscle. I also built up a lot of muscle in the last 3 years of keto diet.

I must say, I went zero carbs for just a short while. a month or 2. After I added low carbs veggies and after a year+, I found if I have 1 table spoon of oat in the evening just before bedtime (and brush my teeth after) I would sleep better. It also prevents me from having carbs craving.

Keto diet allows for 20 gr of carbs a day. If you eat veggies, you really need to calculate. That’s a teaspoon of sugar. After 3 years, I take 15-30 gr. a day.


Okay, perfect answer bro. Thank you so much! and sorry for the whole lots of questions (I’m quite OCD with this condition ever since).

Be good, and thanks again

Happy to be helpful. By the way, I replaced 3/4 of the ghee with palm oil. Palm oil is 55% medium chain triglyceride. It turns into BHB very fast. Coconut oil is also good, but my stomach can’t take it. You can try palm oil, it’s cheaper than ghee and turns into BHB faster. Doesn’t taste as good though.

Ghee is expensive. Palm oil is cheap. You can try both and see how you feel.
Maybe it’s better to start with only ghee and butter, so that you’re 100% carnivore/ketogenic when you start.

I’m here if you need support. I wish the best to you !