Supplements that boost Androgen Receptors

There are certain herbs that are reported to boost androgen receptor density and/or activity in the body.

I’m interested in this because stimulating AR activity seems like it might at least help with the anti-masculine symptoms from these drugs (at least for the males, which I believe is 99% of this forum). Also, I know some people have reported success (and others mixed reviews) specifically with Tribulus.

Here’s a few of the supps I have found that have been reported to boost AR (take with a grain of salt), please feel free to add to this list or leave feedback about your trials with any of these:

  • Vitamin D
  • Bulgarian Tribulus
  • Forskolin
  • L-Carnitine L-Tartrate
  • L-Dopa
  • Coffee (Caffeine?)

Other things purported to increase AR include exercise and intermittent fasting.

I’m stuck on the theory that boosting AR might make up for the inhibited function or 5ar in our bodies. More receptors / more sensitive receptors = more ability for our damaged bodies to use androgenic hormones. The lack of AR / desensitization might also be why some members don’t respond well to Test or DHT supplements.

What do you all think?


They’re already too over expressed and dense now if this theory holds true…Seems as if the bell curve of testosterone has already passed the threshold and we are getting the opposite effect…I would think now that messing with receptors wouldn’t do anything one way or the other to help the problem…

I have tried them all, and it only made my situation worse. Now I got complete ED, don’t know why some people react positive to this, but be carefull with anything you want to use. It can be harmfull.


These theories are around here for long time, no one got recovered on that one, some got improvements, others got worsened. It is not worth it to try whether it will help you or drag you down further.
IMO, stay away from all these supplements and vitamins. Simple as that.

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Tribulus terrestris killed me.
Vitamin D destroied @Demon.
Every substance is very dangerous. Is like play russian roulette. Listen to me, DON’T TOUCH SUPPLEMENTS


Not exactly.We must find our own protocol.We don’t know what supplements do us harm or good until trying.So,we should try them under VERY LOW DOSES.Observe and watch out.
If you have positive results,you can get them into your protocol.Most who had negative results tried large amount of what they were.
Supplementing is just a way to accelerate your recovery.Health is more important.

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@Mr.Children I agree, I would also recommend trying one supplement at a time and not overloading the body with too many supplements at once, because we don’t know the interactions and won’t know what’s working and what isn’t.

Zinc in high dosages are bad from what I’ve read reducing DHT, but on low dosages it helps with DHT, so that’s something we’ll all need to consider. There maybe a threshold when supplements get dangerous for us.

If we don’t try anything we’ll be confined to our current states as well. We all want normal healthy lives.


@Rb26dett were you taking a high dose? What type did you take?

Have you tried clomid? Clomid helps me I get erections on it and morning wood, but it’s not a long term solution.

would anyone deem maca and horny goat weed as safe also cialis?