Supplements and food to avoid list

Hi guys - I know this list is somewhere on the forum, but would someone mind linking me to the list of supplements and food we should avoid ?

anything estrogenic makes me worse, especially alcohol, I have quit it ever since my crash. Some mushrooms inhibit 5ar strongly too, red peppers, soy and brown rice I think are also 5ari’s

Anything on this list stand out to you?

What I’m taking now:

  • NAC
  • Carnitine
  • Arginine
  • Glutamine
  • LDN (3mg right now but going to 4.5)
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • ginkgo
  • ginseng

Additions starting this week:

  • Nicotinamide
  • Ubiquinol
  • Melatonin
  • Bacopa
  • Rhodiola

i wouldnt be using that much stuff, you wouldnt know what helps you and what not, for example when I first tried MitoQ (ubiquinol) i immediately felt a slight energy boost, magnesium calmed me also, you should try things independently first then make a stack. Trust your body and find a good doctor which will help you test stuff as well.

for example people said that antiandrogens helped them, so I tried alcohol, 2 glasses of vodka, boy oh boy, my head almost exploded from tinnnitus, then it was clear that antiandrogens are not helpfull in my case (my DHT came back also very low). You should check Raypeat forum too lots of usefull info there


I agree with you @kon93 . I have been slowly adding things targeting symptoms. I’m working on insomnia now. Trying different doses of Glycine. But keeping some control of what I take for vits as a baseline. Otherwise there its too easy to lose track of the combinations of things.


is the glycine helping?

My insomnia was horrific at 1-3 months then gradually started getting better. I noticed 2 things, sometimes i would wake up coz i needed to pee from my swollen prostate, sometimes because my bones ached and sometimes because of terrible nightmares/excess sweatting.

Magnesium helped me alot on the sleep part and forced sleep deprivation. Not 100% sure on that but i think i read somewhere that sleep deprivation forces 5ar to upregulate and it worked for me, i was lethargic and wanted to sleep from 9 pm; i forced myself to stay up till 1-3 am, after some nights of doing this my sleep finally started to normalize, now i usually sleep between 12 pm-8 am uninterrupted.

One weird symptom i had with my sleep was no matter what time i went to bed, i would ALWAYS wake up at 6 am sharp, no matter how many hours ive slept. Sleep deprivation managed to push this back to 8 and sometimes 9 am which allows me to sleep properly.

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Hey @kon93 so you stayed up late and got up at 8am? How long did you do that for before you started going to bed at midnight?

When i started depriving myself of sleep i woke up at my normal pfs time, so i would sleep from 3 am to 6 or 7 am and try to make the day with 4 hours of sleep, i think i did this for about a week or so and then my sleep started to normalize, i would sleep at 3 am and wake up at 9 am etc. I managed to reach my sleep lenght peak at 10 am now so im good.

Im not saying depriving yourself from sleep ia healthy but it somehow worked for me, i wouldnt do it for more than 5-7 days or you will end up a zombie from the exhaustion. Before pfs i could casually sleep from 12 am to 12 pm with no problem.

gonna make a new thread so we dont clutter this one

I’m only on my 3rd day of Glycine. I only took 1 mg the first 2 nights to make sure it wasnt going to cause me problems. I took 3Mg last night and I “think” it made a difference but my daughter work me up in the middle of the night with a nightmare so last night was not a good test. I’ll keep you posted. I know Valerian works for me but I’m afraid it might make my tinnitus worse.

Thats interesting about the sleep deprivation. Did you read that somewhere or did you just give it a try on your own. I dont think I’m ready to try that just yet. I’ll keep an eye out for the new thread.

1) Avoid all plastic packaged products

  • As they contain the phytoestrogens which are harmful for both of the genders. Buy milk and water from glass or stainless steel packages, store it likewise.

2) Avoid all grain fed meat, dairy products, and GMO plants

  • Feedlot sustained on the grains are deprived out of the nutrients, and the estrogens from soy still stays into their bodies even after you process the animal. Look into zearalenone toxicity for brief elaboration. I’m not even going to mention the dangers of pesticides they’re spraying these seeds with, bunch of thyroid hormone disruptors, and androgen receptor antagonists.

3) Filter out your tap water

  • I think it’s obvious to say, but our water has some antibiotics, hallogens (fluoride and chlorine), and hormones aswell as the other dangerous chemicals which are harmful in the long-term. Fluroide is thyroid hormone disruptor, chlorine and antibiotics can kill your gut microbiome. Not to mention that Bysphenol-A is in our waters aswell, so we are kinda screwed if i can say it like that. Your best bet is to actually get reverse osmosis system which is about 200€.

4) Soy labeled supplements and such

  • Anything that contains soy is dangerous without saying. Finasteride, dutasteride (They can castrate you literally), plant-based protein avoid everything so you’re not going to chemically castrate yourself over time.

Overall, i think that this is everything to cover, when you pay attention to your environment. There is also concerns about beta-sitosterole contest in foods, but i find it to be insignificant, and according to my hypothesis, it only matters in pregnancy, when a fetus is developing… You wish your child the best dimorphic development as possible.