Supplement that converts to DHT without needing 5AR

Any thoughts? This might be a good product to use to upregulate 5AR. But, it might also shutdown Testosterone production with continued use. … ohard.html

Interesting product - but unsure it would upregulate 5ar2. Curious if it would also reduce to adiol g…

It would be an interesting product to try just to see it’s effects on symptoms.

There has been a lot of debate on this forum about whether or not our side effects are related to our levels of DHT. Awor is dead against it while JN swears by it.

This product seems like something that would be a relatively safe and legal way to help us pinpoint whether or not increasing DHT would be helpful.

Percutaneous DHT increases 3A-diol-G in elderly men: (see table 2).

Unfortunately they don’t show levels after discontinuation of DHT supplementation.

DHT upregulates 5ARII in the rat. (Fig 9).