Sumair's Post Finasteride Syndrome Story

Approximately a year ago I started getting active in the PFS community. And thanks to the work of @Sugarhouse, Axo and all the proactive PFS sufferers, we have certainly changed the situation radically in that short period of time. We have a real shot of fundamentally changing this situation to an even greater extent and paving the way back to health and good lives, if we all rally together.

I’m pleased to release Sumair’s video testimony for the Moral Medicine channel regarding his struggle with PFS. Thank you so much for your courage in speaking out.

Please consider liking, sharing and subscribing. Next week I will be interviewing a very respected scientist at the University of Illinois Urbana Champagne. @Recovery18 and I look forward to sharing that content shortly, as well as video testimony from two other sufferers.

Every week there are new patients joining our fundraising efforts, speaking out and finding ways to get involved. If we double down, I’m sure we will create a brighter future for us all.

@Sugarhouse and the PFSN have done an amazing job getting extremely accomplished scientists with backgrounds in epigenetics, genetics, cancer research etc. Let’s please put our resources to good use and support this groundbreaking initiative

It’s not everyday our community is blessed with an initiative that has the potential to significantly move us forward. Let’s take full advantage.

A video was recently released on the PFS Network channel in which I gave very detailed and vulnerable account of my suffering caused by PFS. I would like to restate that we should feel no shame when speaking publicly about what has happened to us. We did not deserve this. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Speaking out about this issue is extremely important. There’s strength in unity so let’s work together in harmony for a better future. If we work together we have a chance to ultimately overcome this horror.


Hero. Liked a lot this video. Sumair has charisma and brain clarity talking :slight_smile:

Also thanks to @recovery18 and you, Eric, thanks!


Thanks @Erik and @Recovery18 for putting this channel together! Please like and share guys, and please consider speaking out yourself. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.


Thanks HH!