Suicide rates/numbers

I’ve been informed that the WHO database has the reported numbers at 569where as the foundation shows 89.
I’ve messaged Philip and asked him to consider mirroring this.
I suspect the numbers are in the 1000s. We know of 3 celebs who aren’t included.
It’s absolutely shocking that the health authorities find close to 600 reported as being an acceptable number. I assume they recognise the who’s statistics.

Pulling together a comprehensive letter, highlighting statistics, all of the common debilitating symptoms including a suite of links to scientific papers, vids etc and sending it to every organisation across the globe wouldn’t be a bad thing to do.

Anyone out there up for it.

Even pushing it onto journalists/news channels. 569 is a headline grabber in anyone’s book.

Come one someone suprise me and volunteer to help.


Most of the Merck pharma war machine suicides are not anounced to the regulatory agencies. The families to ashamed about the suicides. It would be a good project to count all the suicides on a PFS network or PFS foundation awareness campaign. Best thing with pictures and a short story of all the thousands of victims.


There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of PFS suicides were either not reported or misattributed to “mental heath”.

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Even though I tell everyone including docs I expect it would be the same.