Sugar: the bitter truth


How boutcha throw a summary of the point of this and maybe a few times that are important to watch. Sorry to be lazy, its just very long

Sugar is bad. You’re welcome.

The speaker in this video ties consumption of sugary drinks, especially those containing high-fructose core syrup, to rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and overall health decline. He’s a professor and MD at the Univ of Calif San Francisco in an integrative medicine institute.

A key point I did not know is that the body digests sugar and high-fructose corn syrup differently. I’m paraphrasing from memory here, but HFCS is first processed by the liver before it can be used by the body. 20% goes into usable energy, 80% is directly into fat cells (directed by insulin), hence the rising obesity and diabetes rates. This speaker supports the same concepts as promoted in the paleo diet.

The speaker also outlines political and economic factors leading to changes in the food supply such as replacing costlier fatty products with larger quantities of cheaper, sugar-based products. As you can probably follow, this leads to higher consumption of HFCS (the cheapest sweetener which is replacing sugar), higher incidences of diabetes and obesity, and greater strain on internal organs such as the liver which has to process HFCS before it can be used by the body.

The video moves along at a fast pace.

Very interesting but I’m not sure how this ties into PFS

Thank you for the summary there Martin, that pretty much covers it.

I’m just throwing it out there Joetz. I thought it would be especially relevant given that the paleo and anti candida diet seem to be helping people on the forum at the moment, and cutting sugar is the very first stage of these diets.