I have PSSD since August 2018. In the last two months, I have had symptoms that I haven’t had for over 9 months … All prostatitis symptoms have increased, muscle mass has drastically decreased, but what worries me most is that the my skin and my hair has suddenly changed. The skin no longer produces sebum, it is dry and my hair, like beard and hair on the chest and legs, grow slowly and are less thick. They have also become much drier and more frizzy. I’m making strands of white hair. Even my eyes became dry. In the last two months I have used only two supplements: NAC and Tribulus. I used NAC every day for over a month and Tribulus (2 pills of 350mg a day, as written on the package) for two and a half weeks cycling (one week on and one week off). The first week, I didn’t feel any difference, the second, I had more intense libido and orgasms, in the third week I interrupted it because I saw some threads that talked about deterioration, so I preferred to avoid. While I was on Tribulus, I didn’t have any marked deterioration. Now it’s been over two weeks since I don’t take anything anymore, but my symptoms keep getting worse. It is as if I had a very acute prostatitis, I have pain that starts from the anus and continues to the tip of the penis, the testicles hurt me, I do very little urine, even if I feel the urgency of having to urinate. My breasts hurt. And my skin is very dry, without sebum. My hair are frizzy and fall much more.
Somenone has any suggest? @awor @axolotl have you ever heared something like this before.
Thank you guys