Submit adverse effects in France

Hi, I just read the mail for registrating our reports on fin. It gives also a list of administrations around the world for doing the same thing.
In addition to the Europe level, I guess some European countries have national organisms to deal with that too (Europe in itself is far from having all the political tools needed here).

So here is a link (it seems they added it 3 weeks ago, it’s brand new) to report your finasteride adverse effects in France, and contribute to raise the debate here :

Messieurs, avant vos vacances en Grèce, ne négligez pas ce geste citoyen !

Bien vu et excellente initiative que de poster ça ici, cependant il faudrait corriger ton lien. Merci!

ca devrait fonctionner maintenant /

(for our non French-speaking visitors : the link is now available)

Hi, just to give you some feedback :

I had sent a complete file to AFSSAPS (French governement agency for assesment of medicines) in early september.

I got the answer 3 months later, and they registered my side effects of sexual dysfunction 6 years after having used propecia for 6 months.

I thought it could be useful if people report it here when any health-related administration takes their testimony into account.