Study Participation Experiences. A call to arms.

I have contacted the study and am waiting for my appointment time. This only works if we stop talking and actually go. Are you going to go westside? Last I checked they still needed 10 guys.

Its not a clinical trial. They will code the procedures for your insurance. If you have expenses over and above that just coordinate with Phillip

And I’m calling out PVDL to participate.

How many more people do they need? If we know that we should spam the whole forum with it till its filled.

We need to do both. Spamming the forum and participating ourself, even if we are foreigners.

This forum should be laser focused on filling up these studies with lightning speed and with the best PFS cases (no hypochondriacs).

I would do it in a heart beat however 6 years ago when I crashed from pfs, like many of you here, I started having feelings of depression along with suicidal thoughts . I went to my Dr and the first thing they do is prescribe an anti depressant which makes me ineligible for the study. Finding people who suffer from PFS which causes depression that haven’t taken an anti depressant I imagine is difficult. It’s like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. Which is why if there are any of you reading this right now who are eligible to participate in the study I implore you to please do. Please don’t think you can just leave it up to someone else. We desperately need you.

I am pretty sure that is incorrect. They eliminate you if you took SSRI’s before PFS. Not after. You may want to double check.

I sent a follow up e-mail to Sharon about getting an appointment. Waiting for a response.

Great work. Lets get this done, after we know the cause homebrew even on this site will be much more effective!

PVDL- when are you participating?

please don’t disrupt this important thread by pursuing a personal argument. … We are trying to do something constructive here…

When are you donating 100k $$$?

Let’s try to keep the thread on topic depressedguy… i.e. encouraging participation in the studies and updates regarding progress

Updates regarding progress…yeah try checking back in a couple of years when they have actual results. In the meantime you can listen to the whiny little mouse squeak about how hopeless and permanent this condition is and how some of these other recoveries sound like bunk because one of them was hypochondriac. THIS…IS…THE…FUTURE…OF…!!! YEAH !!! THE STUDIES!!! THE HOPELESSNESS!!! THE PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS!!! ALL HAIL THE SQUEAKY WHINY LITTLE BITCH MOUSE: PVDL!!!

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Yup, I’m glad I didn’t part with that 100,000, 2 years ago I thougt this was a permanent condition. I’m glad I followed Proscarred, chi, john Coleman, Mitch, cd nuts and others. I am about 85% recovered, right on CHi’s timeline.

But participation is important to can Depressedguy and PVDL pleaee particulate

Hahahahaha you are insane. You didnt follow chis, cdnuts or mitchs or other motherfuckers recovery protocol. You recovered with time because youre lucky.


[Size=4]Post PFS SSRI use doesn’t disqualify you from Baylor. I double checked today. If you had taken it pre-PFS is would have. So your good to go. [/size]

bizzbee333 & Finatruth, Time, exercise, and diet help. We all get that, they help normal people also. Its really not productive for you to be here slamming homebrew and studies. I mean really… Propecia caused some of us severe neurological damage. For those of us with neurological damage this could very well be a life long issue. So have some compassion for god sake!

Neurological damage like depersonalization, memory loss, lack of emotions, dizzyness? I had all that “brain damage” and it is all gone now.

Yes, time diet and exercise do help, along with positivity

I do think studies are important, that’s why I was asking Depressedguy and PVDL to participate

And btw, don’t hate me because I am recovering. Don’t be jealous. There was a time when I reached out to all of you and encouraged everyone that recovery is possible. Even Tigershull who fought wicked battles with me is seeing some positive changes finally

I will hate you until i see improvoments.