Struggling to cope with career and future

I need advice in regards to my career and future. I am currently a college student. Prior to this I was on campus but since I developed this condition I have had to move back home and switch to online learning. I’m really concerned in regards to how I’m going to function in the workforce. Right now my college coursework is very difficult- it’s very hard to stay focused and read the material. Prior to this I was a 4.0 student but now I’m fighting just to scrape by. Do you guys have any tips? How do you make a living? Obviously it’s hard to stay motivated with the anhedonia, but I tell myself that I need to get a well-paying job to contribute more funds to this issue. Do you guys have any advice?

My tip would be: Don’t hesitate to ask help from your peers and teachers despite the distance, plan a call with someone who understands the stuff better.

Also, it’s not just the donations that are important, you also need a well-paying job to support yourself and increase your quality of living. Independent adult life is very expensive and with a pretty much universally dwindling economy in the western world having a good job or good credentials to fall back on is only going to get more important.

As someone with a not-so-well-paying job I can assure you that dealing with PFS on top of a daily grind that doesn’t do much for my savings is pretty tough. If I had an opportunity to jump on a career path that improved my financial life a lot I think that would actually make me feel a lot better overall.

So I would say soldier on and make sure you do your homework. College/university is only a couple of years of your life anyway. You’ll be grateful for your own perseverance in the end.

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I am confident things will get easier for you over time. When I first crashed I was in the pit of hell with extreme brain zapping (felt like my brain was being electrocuted), songs on my head in repeat, complete inability to focus or think, slurred speech, muscle wastage, extreme biochemically induced depression etc.

After 1 year and 4 months I’m able to cope with life. I’m still determined to move this issue forward, but it’s manageable unlike the first 6 months after I crashed during which time I felt like I was being subjected to extreme torture. Hang in there. I’m glad you have such a positive and constructive attitude. It will get easier, and we’ll all keep fighting to finally remedy this situation.


ditto what @Erik said. my crash wasn’t quite as severe. but it was really hard and my work suffered. fortunately I have understanding bosses and colleagues and eventually I was able to rebound. over a year later, I’ve figured out how to work around my symptoms and I’m excelling in my job again.

you can do this. it’s ok to need a little extra help. and this community is here to support you how we can. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


You are young and have time. Do what you can and hang on to your baseline symptoms without getting worse.

Im 30 and have to cope with losing time with advancing my career and I was told the same exact thing.

It’s more true for you than it is for me.

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Thanks for all the support, guys. I completed an assignment today and it actually went really well so that’s a win!