Story from Jorden

My stool test results from mai 2015:

You’ll notice my secretory IgA is insanely high (my body is constantly fighting). That’s why i have problems with my libido. All my beneficial flora are low. During this test i supplemented with lactobacillus so that’s why it’s out of order with the rest. My dysbiosis is at 4 which is highest.

In the meantime i have been on a 3 month program. During this week i hope to have the results of my second stool test (a minor one; only testing enterobacteriacae and giardia). I am doing better after the 3 month program but i am still not recovered.

Many people on this forum react negatively to the gut bacteria -theories. I understand that it might be difficult to see how a sudden crash could be connected to a gut problem. However it is known that elevated cortisol levels have an effect on digestion: … 9p38.shtml

“Imagine what goes on in a cortisol-flooded, stressed-out body when food is consumed: Digestion and absorption are compromised, indigestion develops, and the mucosal lining becomes irritated and inflamed.”

I also have problems with digestion, and I think they are linked with my cortisol problem. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night not feeling at all tired, probably because for some reason my cortisol levels increase during the night. This has been a problem ever since the crash in 2013.

I don’t feel tired at all when i wake up in the middle of the night as well. But i tend to feel tired in the middle of the afternoon and at the end of the day, even when i do nothing all day. This must be an evidence of something related to hormones. Also, my cortisol levels are nomal - i already did the tests.

It’s now almost 2 years and 4 months after i took the last pill. I can say that i am about 75% recovered. I saw results when i started healing the gut. But i still need to get rid of Giardia (but i have it under control somewhat) and am under treatment at a Dutch hospital. They also saw that my immune system is disrupted and that te mucosal lining in my gut is severly damaged. I had a lot of examinations done.

Sexual i still have problems but my depression / anxiety is completely gone. I have the drive / mood to undertake things and my brainfog is also gone. I am doing exercises and don’t crash from them but i still have a problem with gaining weight. And also important: i don’t look like a ghost anymore. Fatigue is sometimes coming back but only once in a week or once in two weeks.

Yeah, i can say i am doing good.

Happy new year for everybody. Hope you’ll all see improvements in 2016.

That’s awesome. I would recommend a paleo diet with low amounts of sugar intake. Keep up the good work.

Most of the time i follow a paleo diet

Yesterday i got a message from the hospital: i have no more parasites in my system. I am very happy but i still have some work to do. They said that my gut is severly damaged from the parasite so i need to follow a regime that helps me to recover my gut health.

Here are the best ways to heal the gut … a%20repair … wbies.html

Thanks for the information. Coming tuesday i will receive glutamine from the hospital.

The above mentioned site ‘coolinginflammation’ is really good! It will take some time to go trough it but it’s worth.

I am now 3 years off propecia and i am doing good. I concentrated on healing the gut. For this i use: I don’t want to push any products but i find this formula the best for treating a dysbiosis. In the stooltest from propeciahelp and solvepfs you’ll always find some sort of dysbiosis. I’ve learned that all kinds of medication can cause a dysbiose in the gut. The best test to locate a dysbiose is to do a organix dysbiosis profile urine test. A comprehensive stool test will also be a good idea but is also very expensive.

Advise during treatment (6 months minimum):

  • build op slowly with the canxida
  • NO ALCOHOL! That means at least 6 months without…
  • no gluten
  • no dairy (some could tolerate it)
  • no sugars

Dysbiosis means that the good bacteria in you gut are (partly)killed which causes a disbalance. In this disbalance parasites, pathogens, bacteria etc can live freely (but that’s not always the case). Gut immunity will be affected.

As a support i take 3 times a high dosis vitamin C. You can also take a HC (hydrocortisone) as support but remember that it’s not so good for your gut.

When you’re gut is repaired than you can start with healing the adrenals (progesterone or hydrocortisone) and / or the thyroid. Sometimes only helping the adrenals and / or thyroid is enough to recover the gut immunity.


I just can’t seem to get rid of the fungus in my gut. I read that a low body temperature is the result of a dysfunctional thyroid. This low body temperature is a perfect environment for fungus/parasites/candida/pathogens.

I am going to work with a new protocol:

  • T3
  • Progesterone: I did that before but only with minimal results. Maybe it was because of the low dose i was using (5mg two times a day). I plan to use 20-25mg this time.
  • Canxida: i use all the 3 bottles. It is helping me at the moment but i don’t reach that great breaktrough.
  • Clean diet: paleo with some carbs. I eat carbs because i don’t want to stress the thyroid any further with low carb.

I have periods of recovery but PFS always comes back. This is after too much exercise and/or eating/drinking shitty foods/drinks and/or too much sex.

I have good hopes that this proctocol will help me further. I have already healed so much but i want a complete recovery.

And here my story goes on…

I’ve stopped with T3 and progesterone in the spring. It gave me a small boost but it wasn’t stable. I also read that T3 can worsen your gut health so that was mainly the reason i stopped using it.

I continued the canxida treatment with result. After a year i can say that my gut health has increased and i have more energy. Fatigue was my biggest problem and it had diminshed a lot. All the other symptoms are gone (libido is great again).

I still eat a clean diet and trying to reduce the carbs. I also use grass-fed liver from Blue River Herbs ( Works really great for me. I also use digestive enzymes to support my gut.

At this moment i don’t think much about PFS any more and don’t visit this website because i am too busy doing other things. I also learned that it was sibo i was dealing with (did a test). As a result i had a malabsorption because of a damaged and infected small intenstine (thats why i take these liver supplements). Working on the gut always gave me progress.

4 years ago i got PFS but i am feeling really happy and healthy. PFS did a lot of damage but also gave me a lot (sounds strange but thats how i feel). I learned a lot about health in general. Before PFS i drank and ate a lot of shit. I already had a messed up gut before PFS and along with this drug it was even messed up more.

I will update again some time…


Hey Jordan,

Are you low in PROG.

My blood test shows I have 1.3 <4.3, doctor said it was lower than normal. Idk if I should take it. Are you still taking progesterone?

I don’t have PFS anymore. I am healthy and doing fine. No issues that i had in the past. They are all gone. I still mantain a healthy lifestyle: eating, sleeping and no stress.


God bless you!

I’ve been feeling like crap today but this made my day. I am happy for you fella :slight_smile:


That’s what I’m talking about! This made me have a better day thanks for updating us! Your symptoms also seemed very severe from the check boxes I’m happy you recovered man! Enjoy life to the fullest!


I love to hear this!! Congrats!

And something you said a post or two back really stuck with me (and probably a lot of others on here) that in a way PFS gave you something positive. That’s a great way to view a really shitty situation, and I commend you for it. It’s true for me as well. I’ve learned more about my body and my health, and that knowledge has already helped me to help others with their health! Always try to see a positive if you can!

Again congrats and I hope you enjoy many PFS-free years of life!