Stirring Change – How Vitamin K2 Fuels Jaw Growth

Not recommending this as a supplement, this could be bacterial driven.
I’ll get back to this.

How Vitamin K2 guides jaw growth

Vitamin K2 impacts facial development in 4 ways:

Nasal septum deviation

Bone growth and density

Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor

Testosterone and sex hormone levels

I am pretty sure that Konflict, before he disappeared, had had severe deterioration with K2. I hope that wherever he is, he may have found some relief.


I think @tisho1012 had a bad experience with it as well.

I know guys.
Theres the potential of possible k2 interactions with bacteria or a persons microbiome.
It doesnt mean you might not still need this nutrient, but direct supplementation could cause more problems.
Many bacteria require the same nutrients humans do for growth. The same goes for hormones or hormone depletion.
I gave this example before,

Subclinical atherosclerosis is linked to Dysbiosis via vitamin K2-dependent mechanisms

Vitamin K, Dysbiosis, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular disease risk
intestinal decontamination and supplementation with vitamin K2 has the potential to be incorporated into clinical practice as additional preventive measures.

investigate the consequences of vitamin K2 metabolism derangement

In conclusion, patients affected by dysbiosis have higher levels of inactive MGP as well as increased arterial stiffness both of which are early markers for vascular dysfunction. This condition is not influenced by vitamin K2 intake from diet confirming that bacteria are the main source of this vitamin in humans and that vitamin K2 metabolism may be altered as a consequence of small intestinal dysbiosis. Longitudinal studies assessing the role of dysbiosis as a condition that predisposes patients to the development of atherosclerosis are needed; for this category of patients, vitamin K2 supplementation and the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis may be therapeutic alternatives of significant utility.

Let me add to that possibility,
Androgen Deprivation Therapy Induces Vitamin K Loss in Men with
Prostate Cancer

Vitamin K epoxide reductase regulation of androgen receptor activity

All of the vitamin K antagonists tested inhibited both DHT-induced AR conformational change in a FRET reporter assay (Figure ​(Figure1B)1B) and AR transcriptional activity in a luciferase reporter assay (Figure ​(Figure1C)1C) in HEK293 cells.

I believe that the signaling of these vitamins is as altered as that of hormones (androgens and estrogens), therefore either they do not perform their functions properly or, if you try to integrate them, they can become deleterious.


Vit K2 is an aromatase inhibitor i guess. We should stop fucking around vitamins…it has a track record of making people worse here.


I think maybe my point was kind of missed here. Alot of people with “PFS” seem to be affected by
just eating or with their diet, let alone supplements.
Do you think the most likely scenario when this happens is a worsening of Androgen signaling?

intestinal decontamination
This is something Im staying aware of right here,
A type of “clean”
Part of the aging process could be due to bacterial translocation or when gi compartmentalization is lost.