Still can't believe it

It’s been two months of near constant agony. Burning, pins and needles, twitching, bloating, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, numb skin, yet I still can’t believe this is really happening after just one pill. It seems like my body shut down overnight, and all of my hopes and dreams have been shattered.

I’m trying to be optimistic, but the level of crash I experienced has me thinking that I might be in the one-pill-kill category eventually. Trying to hold on day by day. Idk… just feeling broken from the growing suspision that this is it for me.

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Sorry man the pain and trauma is beyond words. BUT don’t give up or lose hope, many impove. Each moment feels like an eternity but youre very early on there is still plenty of time. Try to distract your thoughts, remove stress and do the things u used to enjoy, go outside,go for walks fear is worse than reality. Tell yourself repeatedly that you will get better. I’ve seen many like you saying the same thing, all improved to varying degrees. You’ll be OK, the odds are on your side


@LazarusRy, thank you for your kind words, encouragement, and tips for staying sane in this unique and rare circle of hell.

I’ve probably lurked on this forum for 40+ hours, and I’ve read a lot of your posts. At the risk of sounding like I’m fawning, there are several members who seem to post more frequently on here, and with more heart, support, and genuine concern for others than the rest of the cloth. You are definitely among them, and from so many hours reading your posts, I just wanted to tell you that I truly find your resolve to keep fighting so inspiring. I hope one day you can feel better, Lazarus, and rise from the dead state we find ourselves in.

How are you doing these days?


Beautiful and kind words @AnotherFool thank you my friend. Hang in there mate brighter days lay ahead

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Lazarus’s advice is good. Remove stress as much as possible, go for walks and distract yourself as much as possible. Running and exercise, and being outside, helped me through the worst, but that is not always an option for everyone as some respond poorly to exercise so be careful. There is hope for improvement, especially in the early stages, so just try to hang in there for now. I would just focus on removing stress, and don’t do anything risky that might make yourself worse.