Steroidogenic enzyme


Can you provide some information about why this article is relevant? I think more people would read your links to papers if you wrote a couple of paragraphs on what the paper says and why it is important for us. I’m trying to raise the standard of debate, it’s not a personal slight, many topics that don’t include much information from the original poster sink without trace.


Well, I didn’t know that there was a name for 5ar and the other key enzymes that are dysregulated for us. This wikipedia article neatly lays out the conversion pathways for these enzymes which are disrupted in PFS.

I just posted the link for anyone who want to expand their knowledge about those enzyme, The reason of why we are in this mess, it was because of our lack of knowledge.

for example I didn’t know there are others reductase enzymes:

Steroid reductases

  • 5α-Reductase (1, 2, 3) – androgen and neurosteroid synthesis, progestogen metabolism
  • 5β-Reductase – androgen and progestogen metabolism, neurosteroid synthesis
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please share you protocol you told us that you are "feeling really really really good."

I have been on a meat only diet and I see massive improvements in my symptoms. I am not 100% but I think I will be close in 3-4 month if upwards trend continues.

Thank you in advance.

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What are you are doing was that help me a lot in my recovery, I did intermittent fasting for more than 2 years…it is hard to tell what exactly bring me at the stage that I am right now.
I only can tell you what I did in general since I put my effort to get recovered I think it was back in 2016:

1-I took Bupropion for 8 to 12 weeks (I was in very bad mental situation, I was thinking to suicide several occasion).
2-Run regularly every week (I am doing it until now).

Supplements list

1-(Ginger Powder + Cinnamon)
I recommend use those supplement together only very early in the morning: at nigh can cause insomnia ) 1 TSP Ginger powder + Cinnamon extra 2 pills ( one time at day ).

2-Tribulus + Acetyl L-Carnitine (Dosage can vary person to person)

3-( Gaba+ L-Theanine + Magnesium L-Threonate ).
I took these 3 times at day ( Always take before to bedtime ).

4-Omega 3
Regularly not everyday

I took it 3 times at day
Morning 2 pill , Afternoon 2 pills, Bedtime 4 pills

6-Bromelain (2) pill a day / (1 morning, 1 Bedtime) + Wobenzyme (4) pill at day / ( 2 morning, 2 Bedtime.

8-Astragalus ( I took only one bottle / 4 pills at day)

7-Vitamin C

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