Steroid secretion. Newly Discovered Functions in the Brain

I just ran across some research today which blew my mind. I also searched to see if this has already been posted. It hasn’t.

Many doctors agree that Propecia reduces the levels of Neurosteroids. The only way to measure them is by getting a Cerebral Spinal Fluid test and sending it to Baylor. I plan to get this test done now that I found this info. It explains why I’m still so unhappy, depressed, negative and snap at people for the slightest offense.

World Federation of Neurological Societies

Small section clipped from article…
“So much are adrenocortical hormones, specifically glucocorticoids (GC), considered to play a role in the pathophysiology of depression (34,60,98,302) that inhibition of their secretion (98,128,147, 222,228) or blocking of their effects (14,222) have been proposed, and are being used for the treatment of depression syndromes.

The spectrum of affective and cognitive symptoms in Cushing’s disorders greatly overlaps with those described in the DSM IV to diagnose depressions. Starkman and Schteingart’s (259) study reported that increase in fatigue and a loss of energy were present, respectively, 100% and 97% of the time, in 35 patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Impaired memory was reported by 83% of the same subjects. Dysphoric mood (i.e. depressed) and irritability were present in 86% and 77% respectively of the patients . Sleep disturbances and decreased libido were reported by 69% of these patients. Diminished ability to think or concentrate was reported by 66% of the patients. Increase and/or decrease in appetite, sense of hopelessness, social withdrawal and anxiety were also significantly present in patients with Cushing’s disorders. “

Don’t let the “Cushing’s Disorder” put you off. Just focus on the impact of what happens when neurosteroids are low.

Wait a minute this is huge. Dr Jacobs actually categorized me as cushings or really pseudo cushings since I didn’t have a tumor. How is this issue fixed?

Agreed – I’m no doctor, but the symptoms are eerily similar.


…I see

“thinning of the skin, which causes easy bruising and dryness”

…and “extremely dry and brittle hair”

The latter describes the problem with my facial hair – growing a beard is like growing steel wool for me.

What neurosteroids are you going to have them test? And where will you get the test done? I would also like to get this test…

I think this is the smoking gun

This is the smoking gun. Something that can reduce/prevent the activity of 5aR2 but resulting in a different condition of that of a finasteride user.

Tim1911- what would potentially correct this problem? This is the first time we have seen a clear connection with our symptoms (even a diagnosis for me!) and reduced level of neurosteroids being the culprit.

What I’m wondering is: Why have no doctors made the Cushing-PFS connection up until now?

It would seem obvious to a any medical professional worth his salt.

PR123- well actually, Jacobs did! He said that my hormonal profile is exactly like someone who has cushings. However we ruled out psedu cushings as others on this board have as well since there is no adrenal or hypothalamus tumor. It is a condition known as psedu-cushings as the brain signals the release of excess cortisol into the body.

I think this is major findings, especially after the Italian studies findings.

What about people here who have very low cortisol does that fit in with your theory ?

Low cortisol could be from adrenal burnout after pumping cortisol in the body for a while. I am interested to know If people all have either low or high cortisol.

So which medical professional, if any, is actually looking into this theory/