Stem cells as a therapy

OK so I just came upon this thread and I’ll do my best to make it as short as possible

I too have been wanting and researching stem cell therapy…I keep hear about cell…I will look further into this place BUT what I’ve found is this doctor by the name of Dr. Michael Johnson.

Now…he is treats patients with stem cells but he is a Chiropractic Neurologist. Somhes not an MD HOWEVER…he seems to know more about stem cells than ANYONE I’ve come across.

Also…he does not just treat you with stem Ella and kicks you out the door. For stem cells to work properly and effectively he preaches that you MUST get your inflammation marker way wayyy done if not existent. He works with a holistic approach.
I have not been treated by him. At least not yet. His videos are upmon youtube OPTIMAL HEALTH STEM-CELL INSTITUTE.

I don’t work for him or am paid or endorsed or whatever you may possibly think. I’m just throwing out another option.
I urge you to at alwast listen to the videos if you are going the stem cell route.
I’m 50/50 idc about cost
I care about it working.
He charges 20-30K but they are real umbilical stem cells and much is included with treatment not ONlY stem cells.

Also I’m trying to PM Joetz but I can’t for the life of me find how to PM him
Help please

As you correctly state, a chiropractor isn’t a doctor. Chiropractic practitioners are proponents of pseudoscience and do not stand up to scientific scrutiny.

That you can get chiropractic stem cell treatment is a new one on me. He may well seem to be extremely knowledgeable but if you aren’t extremely knowledgeable, how would you be able to tell?

I only offer those thoughts as a word of caution. You’re putting a lot of faith into someone who has decided that a certificate in a pseudoscience is the qualification he needs, as opposed to studying to become a doctor.


Hi guys,

I’ve been back and forth with this one but now at the point where I need to do something. Question is, has anyone actually tried stem cell therapy for pfs. If so did it help. I’ve been approved by the Panama clinic but wanted some views ahead of committing. Its obviously very expensive but you can’t put a price on improving PFS, however I’d be destroyed if Armageddon was unleashed. Thanks in advance

It has the power to repair damaged cartilage, nerves and muscle tissue and has been known to repair organs and those with severe brain injuries but the huge sticking point is that PFS is obviously still going to be there when the treatment is finished. I believe there’s one guy here that had stem cell treatment his post is lurking about the forum somewhere.

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Thanks papasmurf Id already looked but can’t find anything.

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What are the costs?

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I looked at the summary of @joetz and his latest posts, but he doesn’t seem cured to me

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No I’m not cured. I’m a lot better but not cured. The stem cell treatment will give you a boost right after you do it but then it will start waning


Thanks guys how long after the treatment did it start waning. Did your physical strength and masculinity return. Was your treatment via Panama ?

Your looking at around 20k sterling

Sounds like a lot for what sounds like a temporary improvement.

Can you give us a more detailed write up, @joetz?

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Stem cell therapy of what? Medicine doesn’t even know what’s wrong with us. This is pure charlatanism. I can’t believe you would fall for this after everything “medicine” has done to you.

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Sibelio, I understand but I’m desperate it can rejuvinate the body. I have every side and have had many for years, my body is starting to be very seriously effected and my endo stated it’s unsustainable. In the absence of anything else what can I do? I’m hanging on to life. Desperate times. With less symptoms and long standing damage I’d hang on and hope for a natural improvement over time but I’m way past that. Objectively I’d say what your saying to another. Unfortunately I’ve continued to deteriorate regardless where as most stabilise then hit the upward curve.

Your endo is an idiot. Life is unsustainable and we are all dying every day. But today we are alive and we are sustaining it. He told you you will end up getting a heart attack without having a clue what’s wrong with you. That’s some arrogance.


He is worried for me that’s all. A genuine guy who cares which I haven’t seen much of from the medical profession of late. Most have rolled their eyes and dismissed me. My rheum Proff who I’ve known for 20 years also stated my symptoms are becoming worrying. I have lost so much weight my vitals are all over the place. 2 nights ago I pissed litres upon litres of water, was dizzy and severe kidney pain. Vasopressin!!! Most have frequent urintion problems but this is just an example of things at an elevated level in my case. Taking the drug for so long on and off has brought me to this point. I appreciate your comments though I really do.

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But it is safe to assume we have chronic brain inflammation and joint damage; stem cells have the ability to differentiate into whatever the body needs to repair itself and goes to the site of inflammation- to put it into context when a mother is pregnant with a child if damage occurs to her organs the baby will send out stem cells to repair them. I have severe tinnitus, joint, nerve and vestibular damage as well as severe memory issues- I’m positive that the stem cells would help me to some degree in this area. I also believe that in some way DHT may act and an activator and transporter of stem cells but I could be wrong about this.


I’m thinking of getting this done. I have a question for you about the liposuction though!

Normal liposuction will deplete the selected area of fat cells and from then on your body will not produce as much fat in that area - conversely, fat will be stored in larger quantites in other areas of your body. This can give your body an uneven and unnatural look and is the main problem with lipo long term.

So I have a couple questions regarding that:

  1. How much fat did they take out of your stomach? Was it equivalent to a normal lipo procedure?

  2. Since the treatment do you find that your body is less likely to store fat in the area you got lipo from. If so, do you find that you store more fat in other areas?

Hope to hear back from you!

Your right
It does mess up your body and you will have chunks of fat missing