SSRI to deal with the depression/OCD

After several months of doing pretty well, I guess I “crashed” in that I feel depressed and can’t stop thinking about pfs. It’s like I cannot think of anything else. That along with the anxiety attacks I was feeling in my gut made going to work pretty difficult last week.

When I was 18 I was diagnosed with depression and OCD, and I was given a specific SSRI to deal with it. I used a moderate amount and never had any issues with it. I tapered off it over the years, and actually when my pfs was clearly real, for the most part I stopped it. I don’t think i’ve even touched a pill since 2012.

This current bout of OCD/Depression is the worst I’ve dealt with since I was a teenager. It’s an overwhelming sadness that is gripping my mind, and even when talking with someone, watching tv, or doing another task, it’s still there. I remember in previous winters, I always felt depressed, so maybe I can just wait this out a few more months and see if I bounce back.

I’m posting because I’m sure lots of users will think this is crazy to mess with the brain biology, and hearing these arguments might help slap me back to reality if it really is a horrible idea.

Thanks, if you have any opinions

Yeah, it’s a real bad idea.

What you should do is you should run 30 minutes every day. Exercise is as effective as AD for depression: … -will.aspx

Try every other option first. Try the natural options. Do research try everything you can that has limited side effects before you use any pharma drugs.

start exercising,best thing in the world for depression,one or two hours in the gym getting sweaty will blast any bad thoughts away,better than any medication crap,i thought it was sunny all year round in L.A???,you wanna try living in England,we get about six weeks good weather a year,the rest of the time its either raining or freezing dark winter,now that’s depressing…

Yeah it is mostly sunny here, but I would guess that during this weather we all dress warmer and expose less skin to sunlight. Also, the daylight is shorter so by the time we leave work, no sunlight.

I exercise semi regularly as it is now.

I’m wondering does anyone here have actual diagnosed Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder? I have had it since I was 18 or 19, way before pfs. It’s definitely something that is tough to deal with. It’s just like my mind can’t focus on other things, even when doing other tasks.

I’m starting to wonder also if my brain chemistry is returning to “normal.” I have not touched an SSRI for almost 4 years. Normal for me was dealing with periodic anxiety attacks, crippling depression, and OCD symptoms around the holidays. For whatever reason around this time of year I would think about sad things and dying. From about August to December, things were honestly going really well, and I was even beginning to think about what dating could be like in the future. This definitely doesn’t feel like a temporary recovery, but it does feel like the most REAL these mental symptoms have been in awhile.

I was diagnosed with OCD at 12. I’ve had it up until now. Ever since I got brain fog, my ocd sort of disappeared, although it’s sort of come back a bit over the past week. The disappearance of my ocd was very scary because it affirmed my suspicion in the change in neurotransmitters that pfs causes. I would’ve never thought I’d be happy to have my ocd back, but it makes me feel a bit like myself again. I have Pure-O btw.

What other symptoms are you dealing with?

Me as well, pure obsessions. I guess my only compulsions were trying to fight the obsessions.

Other symptoms I’m dealing with? I have most of the class pfs symptoms if that is what you mean. Lack of consistent morning wood, regrown hair never receded, can’t seem to work off a lot of the belly fat, smaller testicles, and a separation of mind and body senses.

If you are talking about OCD symptoms, just like when I was a kid, just pure non-stop obsession for the last like 5 days and panic attacks. Follows the same pattern almost every time. Some thought comes into my head and I realize there is like a date. Like this show I’m watching first started in 2007. Then I will think how long ago that was and then do the math in my head about how long I’ve had pfs and then it will become full blown panic attack. Like the more that I realize how long I’ve gone without full recovery the more I will get obsessed by the idea that this will never end. Then I can’t think about anything else, even if a person is talking to me.

I skyped my parents last night and just said a lot of things I wanted to say to them. It was very beneficial. I told them that I’m sorry for ruining my life and causing them worry. I know that as a parent, you just want your kid to be happy and secure, probably starting a family of their own so someone can take care of them. They were really supportive. They told me not to focus on the past mistakes I’ve made, and also that my obsessions can’t speak for their feelings. If I don’t get married and have kids they are ok with it. They know I’m going through an awful ordeal and they just want me to get out and see my friends, and take up more hobbies. If there is one or two things good that came out of this whole mess is how much closer I got to my parents. I couldn’t speak to them when I was younger, couldn’t connect at all, and now they are my best friends really. Same with relationships, in the past I focused so much on looks. Now I can see that a supportive relationship and trust and patience is far more important. I just hope that this ordeal ends permanently one day so I can be the person that I know I’ve grown into.

Sorry for the rant, been emotional these last few days.