Sorry for all my frustrated comments

Sorry - I’m new with pfs for 4 months. It’s like an unreal movie
I’ m in. Normal live, normal people all seem so far away from me suddenly. So I find myself only here in your topics, comments and posts. So only here I feel reflected my pain or my hopes and " broken " dreams. So I often comment by talking about my situation. Just to tell you, you are not allone with your pain!

Don’t worry about your comments or posts, man. But remember these ‘normal people’ have their struggles too. When you try to convince people of how bad your life is, the best case scenario is they acknlowledge it but that won’t make you feel better. It’s good that this forum exists and i know it can be addictive to read posts hoping to find a solution but it can be an echo chamber of negative thoughts.

You’ve had PFS for 4 months: remember some people take longer to recover, or at least to feel good enough to live a meaningful life. Nobody can guarantee you’ll be fine but you can make it a lot worse if you give in to pessimism.