Song of Finasteride

Take finasteride they said,
It like aspirin but keeps hair instead,
Now my penis is shriveled and dead
How can I live in this state of dread.

Came JoeKool and CDnutz, they said, sun ya boys and eat some nuts,
Inject HCG and take glycine but no one is getting better it seems.
Brainfog is great is anyone home, is it cellular or epigenome
I dont know and I dont care, life is gone all cause of hair.

Finasteride, Finasteride, shrank our dicks and our ass inside,
Finasteride, Finasteride, Roy Vengelis is bastard right,
Finasteride, Finasteride, Im not the same, its an ass to hide
Finasteride, Finasteride, Is the reason that I died.