Someone theorie on a solution.

Is there anything “Carla” didn’t want the chap to try??

Some of it makes sense. I don’t think I’m gonna take the tea bath though. :slight_smile:


Wait, I’ve tried everything else. Maybe I shouldnt rule anything out. :slight_smile:

I can definately relate to the “wait gain” comments though. I think Fin has slowed my metabolism and it has definately wasted alot of my muscle. Not having that extra 20 pds of muscle on my frame to help burn calories is really killin me. I look worse by the day. Hoping TRT will at least help in this respect. Feel bloated and uncomfortable constantly.

I lift heavy weights about 2-3 times a week, and I cant gain muscle anymore, but then again I dont diet and I dont work out as hard because im in this state. As far as weight issues, i’m pretty much the same, but my metabolism is FAST. I can eat straight up junk food all day long and not weight any weight. I’ve always been this way.

“” I can eat straight up junk food all day long and not weight any weight. I’ve always been this way.""

That shit won,t make you grow, learn about true food.

man there,s too much to read and to learn.

I know how to eat. thanks.

Catch 22 for me too. I feel too weak and tired to get to the gym. Drove past the gym last night and looked inside. I used to love the gym. My muscles are wasting like crazy at a far greater clip than normal. Probably doesnt matter what he eats in the context of gaining muscle. If you’re androgen insensitive it doesnt really matter.


Get some weights and equipment for your home. I have a whole bunch of stuff in my house. WHen I was going through my worst period, I also wouldn’t dream of walking into the gym. However, with the equipment at my house I could force myself to go down to the basement and do some exercises, even if only for a half hour. Although the results were never the same as before, I always felt glad that I worked out.

It’s also good way to try to ease yourself back into the gym eventually.