Someone like me, please...?

Hi guys,

Have made so many posts in this forum explaining my history… Last time I posted I was explaining my last crash… I’ve been cured so many times, for so may months, and then I have had sides again… so many times…
Since 2015 my first crash - completely recovered on 2016, all 2016 and 2017 perfect, in 2017 had a low energy some month but it was Ok finally… Then until summer 2018 i was fucking amazing, cured, then 2018 sumer crash again, the recovered again in one or two months, then perfect until summer 2019, then recvored again so perfect in october of 2019… Then I crashed again in 2020 march, and recovered again in 2020 end of june… I’ve been good until 2 weeks ago… And this time I wouldn’t say is a crash, but I’m fucking suffering sexual sides again… FUCK THIS!

I’ve been fucking horny this summer, getting good erections and this… And also I recovered from super low energy, brain fog etc too…

Fucking hell… Again I have sides… But this time different from others… I just have sexual sides. Most of all libido… I can get erections but I lose them pretty fast… but I have energy, no strange feeling lik brain fog or others… Just this. I’ve been recovered for so many months and many time having pretty good erections, libido and stuff… Do you know any other guy i this forum that have experienced the same???

Cause I’m not… Don’t know other story like this… I’m fucking affraid now thinking how come I have this shit again, and now is like more similar than other stories… just sexual sides… It sacres me…


You’re not alone. I’ve recovered and crashed countless times in the past 5 years or so. There were times where I thought I’m finally fully cured, but then crash all of a sudden. I think to-and-fro is normal for libido, but in our case it’s more like 100% —> 10% kind of shifts. Screw it

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Have you taken any blood tests, or looked for the signs of any possible infection?

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Ei mate,
Thank you so much for your reply!

Wow, glad I’m not alone… So I have some questions please;

-Have you been 100% recovered in these recoveries you’ve had? For me yes, I’ve been 100% normal, like pre-PFS or even better sometimes. I literally forgot about all this and was living normal life.
-How long did the recoveries lasted? My firste recovery lasted almost 2 years, had a really small bad perido in the middle, but it was fine all the 2 years. Then the other recoveries has lasted one year…other some motnhs etc…

I had normal erections, just thinking in sex, etc etc…

Now I’m good of every other side I have had before, except for the sexual sides… Is hard having spontaneus erections right now… the feeling when i’m with my gf is not the same… I cant have an erections kissing her or touching with clothes… I can have them staying naked without stimulation…
But libido is so low and that shit…
Hopefully we both get recovered again dude… And of course all the other people…

Thanks again for your reply.


Thank you for your reply!

I’ve had one or two extense blood test per year since all this starte by 2015. Everything came normal most of the times… The only thing it came bad were some values from the liver that indicated that it had an inlfammation…

I’ve had an aminoacid test (months ago) and a fecal test also, 2 years ago… And one bacteria came with elevated value… It’s called clostridium… So it can be an infection… I don’t know.

The thing is that I’ve been like normal in ALL the sides… and then I suffer again after being recovered for so long… ;( what a shit.

If and when I ever feel better, even for a week, I’m getting everything tested. Something has to show up in tests. This can’t be an invisible condition, for a test perspective.

Many of the things you described sound way too familiar. Like you, there were times when I had 100% and even like 150% recoveries, but those are sparse and far in between. I remember getting spontaneous erections just fantasizing and chasing skirts all day. It’s tough to say what was the most contributing factor to my recovery periods since I was on a ton of supplements on top of exercise and diet manipulations.

There’re many facets to libido and PFS is one of them. I hate that we’ve grown to look at everything from PFS perspective and I can’t blame “us” since living with this nightmare for years changed us forever. Non-PFS men do experience day to day libido fluctuations but those are mostly mild.