Somebody has got a tattoo with PFS?

Do i have to get concerned about tattoo ink making me crashing me or creating some permanent issues?
As we are sensitive to so many things i guess if anyone has experience about the procedure



what is the problem?

Maybe everyone should get a tattoo that says PFS, like part of a gang.
Not that anyone would want that constant reminder.


My question is not dumb by any means.
I’m planning to get a “tattoo or scalp micropigmentation” and of course i will ask for previous experiences just in case there have been previous bad reactions to the ink.

I have plenty of tattoos (and in the last year). It didn’t do anything to me

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Also omg

I hope some doctor or scientist fails to read this post.

To get PFS doesn’t mean to fall in the negative attitude that you won’t ever recover or you can improve your daily life.
If you have the chance to improve your daily life, do it. Always caring about possible consequences of course.
This is why i’m asking.


i can’t check your story now.
You have the full range of symptoms of PFS?
Physical, “immune”, and mental included too?

What did you get, a normal tattoo or scalp micropigmentation?

I got it all, to a lesser extent than a lot of stories I’ve read on here but I’ve had most symptoms discussed at some point. And they are tattoos not micropigmentations

Regarding my fears about immune reactions or crashing due them,
which are worse tattoos or scalp micropigmentation? the ink is different?
(sorry but I’m naive on that area as you see lol)

I know nothing about micropigmentation but with tattoos I’ve never had any kind of reaction from the ink. You just bandage and let it heal. Unless you’re taking an antibiotics or something to prevent infection I couldn’t see an issue. This is not medical advice just my opinion

I’ve never gotten a tattoo but I understand that the aluminium in tattoos that is injected into the body can cause health problems.

Man, that thing of PFS is a nightmare.
You have to guess a lot of things that you never did before.
Food, lifestyle, everything…

i will wait for an additional user answering the question just to have more experiences.