Some thoughts on vision problems PAS Retinoic Acid deficiency

Right now im looking at disruption of endogenous retinoic acid production, which serum retinol might not accurately reflect.

I was looking at a somewhat recent study, and they were not sure if there was a centrally synthesized location being the liver or intestine. I’ve already seen enough studies bacteria could contribute to retinoic acid production or takeaway from.

Vitamin A and the eye: an old tale for modern times

Clinical presentations associated with vitamin A deficiency persist in poor regions globally with the same clinical features as those described centuries ago. However, new forms of vitamin A deficiency affecting the eyes, which have become widespread, as a result of modern societal habits are of increasing concern. Ophthalmic conditions related to vitamin A deficiency require the combined attention of ophthalmologists, pediatricians, internists, dermatologists, and nutritionists due to their potential severity and the diversity of causes. As the eyes and their adnexa are particularly sensitive to vitamin A deficiency and excess, ocular disturbances are often early indicators of vitamin A imbalance. The present review describes the clinical manifestations of hypovitaminosis A with an emphasis on so-called modern dietary disorders and multidisciplinary treatment approaches. The present review also discusses the relationship between retinoic acid therapy and dry eye disease.

Increased suspicion of hypovitaminosis A due to ocular surface symptoms and signals should direct prompt investigation of nutritional and digestive problems followed by interdisciplinary management allowing early diagnosis and treatment of the causes and effects of the majority of diseases related to hypovitaminosis A.

There have been concerns regarding the reliability of blood concentration measurements as the liver is able to sustain normal levels even in extremely vitamin A-deficient states

Hypovitaminosis A should be suspected in all cases of night blindness, ocular surface foreign body sensation, and photophobia without other evident causes. Crying without tearing is another relevant symptom of hypovitaminosis A. Recurrent hordeolum, meibomian gland dysfunction identified by gland dropout or inflammation with thickened lipid secretion, corneal epithelial defect, conjunctiva metaplasia (where Bitot’s spot is an advanced form and a hallmark), and diffuse punctate keratitis also represent signs suspicious for hypovitaminosis A.

This was pulled from another paper,
“Various animal tests have revealed that tretinoin (all-trans-retinoic acid) is very efficient in reversing xerophthalmic changes compared to retinol [113].”

Anyone or yourself had any issues with eyes, like any abnormalities seen by an optometrist? Long after treatment.

Eye issues have been a slow burn since accutane. I had no problems while on the drug, it was after. They say even ocular adverse effects while on Accutane reversed after discontinuation in all cases according to one study.
This seems different.
For me it was gradual years after accutane my eyes became much more sensitive to light, to the point where i would almost have to wear sunglasses even on a cloudy day.
My night vision was affected as well, along with having dry eyes.
I also developed eye floaters after trying to supplement with high dose vitamin a.
There could be a difference though in the storage and serum form of vitamin a as opposed to its most active metabolite retinoic acid, which performs most of the functions of vitamin a in tissues.
Im also wondering about hair loss and thin skin as well. Retinoic acid plays a vital role in both.
Retinoic acid is actually known to thicken skin.

Im seeing one soon its been tough to get appointments here covid. Im about 4 months out pfs.
My eyes are messed up dry, burn, red, visual snow, light sensitivity, poor night vision. Yeah I feel like the lubrication in the eye isnt producing the same. It happened to me instantly (within an hour) after taking a pill of finasteride and hasnt stopped.
Im very curious whether they say they look normal or not. I wouldnt be surprised if they just say oh just use eye drops. which I have been using and they dont help at all

A few years after accutane I was diagnosed with corneal scars and 20 years later also told again.

I have not disclosed this before as I don’t want anyone to draw a conclusion for themselves that may only be specific to myself.