Some thoughts and questions

Hi all.
I have taken galenic fin, prepared from a pharmacist, for 5 years (from 21 to 26). Now I have 32 years, so 6 years without fin, but with the same sides.

Quitted the drug cold turkey, sides begun slowly after 2 months. The problems are: very slow urinary flow (10ml/s max), frequent urination (I have to pee every 2 hours and get up on night), lower abdominal pain, yellow slow sperm, mucus in the faeces. The doctors says I have a chronic abacterial prostatitis. Exams (urines, sperm, ecography, cistoscopy) are all negative. No drug helps me (in these years I’ve tried all the imaginable… from naturopathy, omeopathy, acupuncture, drastc diets, benzodiazepines, antibiotics, alphalitics… all useless…).

I’ve never had ED or loss of libido (maybe only a slight loss, btw I think it’s normal having 31 and not 20). I have very good erections, spontaneous erections, no ball/penis shrinkage, no muscle loss and no other problems most people here have.

So I was asking me if is it possible that the prostate problem (if is that) is related fo fin usage. For me is evident, but why I have no other common symptom?
Is it possible that my prostate is manteined inflammed by hormone imbalances?
Can an hormone imbalance cause problems ONLY to the urinary flow?
Have I to do all the hormone blood tests? Has any sense? (I’ve seen they are many, maybe only the most important?).

From what I understand, just about any trauma to the prostate can cause chronic inflammation, whether it’s from an infection or from sitting on a bicycle seat the wrong way for too long. Considering how fin “works” to cause cell death in the prostate, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if your case was unrelated to a persistent post-fin hormonal imbalance. Maybe the fin was down there killing your prostate cells long enough to cause a permanent inflammation.

Similar to you, I developed SEVERE chronic prostatitis symptoms after quitting, and I only took 15 doses. I have all the same problems you listed, except for the mucus in the feces. Unfortunately I have the hormonal problems, such as body and penile changes, in addition.

I’ve read about your misadventures :frowning:
Are you doing/have you done something to treat this issue?
Have you done blood tests?

Yes I’ve tried a variety of things, both for hormones and inflammation. DIM, Chrysin, broccoli treatment, quercetin, serrapeptase, prostate massage, warm baths, etc. Nothing has made any dent. Saw a urologist and took antibiotics for several weeks a few months back, and it did nothing. After reading about prostatitis, I came to the conclusion that there’s not much I can do, and that it’s probably not bacterial. I have given up treating it.

I have noticed things that have made it worse(mostly more painful): caffeine, excessive walking, etc, and have tried to avoid them.

I don’t have insurance or the money to get extensive blood tests, and I don’t see the utility in it anyway. I had total T, E2, and PSA tested several months ago, and they were all “within range.” PSA was very low, and E2 did not seem particularly high. It’s probably in my post history somewhere.

Anyway, my belief, as I said above, is that my prostate was messed with just enough by the fin to set off chronic inflammation.

I should add that I used to take an antidepressant called Effexor for about 8 years(quit 2 years ago) that caused noticeable issues with starting the urine stream while I was taking it(nothing this bad though, and NO OTHER urinary or prostate symptoms). This largely went away almost immediately upon cessation of the drug, but I never did quite feel as if it was 100% back to normal… maybe 95%. I checked the Effexor side effect list a few weeks back and actually saw “enlarged prostate” as one of the “rare” side effects. Makes me wonder if it didn’t predispose me to this.