I absolutely agree with that. One month before i used an antibiotic named Flagyl for two weeks. It made my erections 10 times stronger, increased sperm volume and gave me libido after months. I was shocked of course. Than i found out that antibiotic with it’s other name “metronidazole” is a MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor). That means it inhibits an enzyme named monoamine oxidase which is a dopamine catabolizing enzyme. At first i thought that antibiotic has helped me because it decreased the inflammation in my body. But then i found out that MAOI’s are a type of antideppressants. I am almost sure that my anhodenia, loss of libido, loss of enjoyment of anything, erection problems, sleeping issues are all related dopamine or maybe some more neurostereoids in brain. I am not sure if it’s about the quantity of these neurostereoids but the receptors they work with. I don’t know what you guys think but that experience made me think maybe this case is more solvable than we imagine.