Some Progress With Clomid. Also a Few Questions

My endo started me on clomid in March 2015 and so far I have managed to eliminate the following symptoms:
Frequent urge to urinate
Premature Ejaculation
Testicular Shrinkage

This makes me wonder if everyone has a different form of PFS and if people react differently to different treatments. Also, do physical symptoms tend to level off and not pop up later? I’ve had PFS for eight years now and haven’t had anything like muscle wastage or gynecomatsia or excessively dry skin so am I more or less in the clear when it comes to those?

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

I am on it too. Is it helping with your ed?

I really think PFS is different for everyone. Some are solely affected by mental side effects, some have ED, some have penile numbness, some have gyno etc because simply Fin messes up with so many different mechanisms of body. Endocrine system, brain, CNS, sexual mechanism and so on. That’s why if a cure is going to be found, that won’t be useful to everyone here. Just my two cents.


I think it has helped my ED somewhat. I’m able to get an erection by thinking now even though it takes a lot of work. I can get a decent enough erection to start and then it hardens the rest of the way once it’s in.

Hopefully if at least some of the angles are addressed (CNS, endocrine), the body will then be able to repair the rest on its own.