I’ve been talking to Chi the last few weeks and took on board some of his advice. I figured cutting out sugar and bad carbs was a relatively straightforward thing to get me started and I can report that I’ve been feeling a lot better I’ve been suffering from pain and and a nagging numb sensation in my penis for over 6 months. That is now almost entirely gone. Additionally, my libido has improved as a consequence. I’m not reporting myself as cured, as it’s not quite back to pre-fin days and I still suffer numbness, but I feel so much better not waking up in pain and going to bed in pain.
I can only speculate that sugar causes inflammation which is what causes the pain. It’s a shame because I really do enjoy sugary foods from time to time. We had a tea party on Friday at work and I couldn’t eat any cake :’( and my sister bought me some of my favourite sweets this weekend which I had to give to a friend in case I caved in and ate them. Some pleasure in the mouth is really not worth enduring pain all day!
I hope this little anecdote will persuade some of you to think about your dietary choices. It’s quite clear to me that diet can improve some symptoms.