Some improvements finally :)

I’ve been talking to Chi the last few weeks and took on board some of his advice. I figured cutting out sugar and bad carbs was a relatively straightforward thing to get me started and I can report that I’ve been feeling a lot better :slight_smile: I’ve been suffering from pain and and a nagging numb sensation in my penis for over 6 months. That is now almost entirely gone. Additionally, my libido has improved as a consequence. I’m not reporting myself as cured, as it’s not quite back to pre-fin days and I still suffer numbness, but I feel so much better not waking up in pain and going to bed in pain.

I can only speculate that sugar causes inflammation which is what causes the pain. It’s a shame because I really do enjoy sugary foods from time to time. We had a tea party on Friday at work and I couldn’t eat any cake :’( and my sister bought me some of my favourite sweets this weekend which I had to give to a friend in case I caved in and ate them. Some pleasure in the mouth is really not worth enduring pain all day!

I hope this little anecdote will persuade some of you to think about your dietary choices. It’s quite clear to me that diet can improve some symptoms.

Here’s an article about inflammatory foods. The video at the bottom suggests foods that fight inflammation so that’s well worth watching. … 43&slide=3

Also avoid natural sugars. Fruits which are high in sugar gave me brainfog. I am only eating fruits in the morning blended into a smoothie. These fruits are blueberries, strawberry’s and granny apples. I ad half an apple a day in the morning and small amounts of the other fruits mentioned. Maybe i even have to cut them out completely.

Yeah, Chi mentioned blueberries as being one fruit you can get away with. Not sure why? I’ve been eating the odd tub and I find them delicious anyway.

I’m feeling really good right now.

Dont know why but i’ve noticed that fruits make my body relax… specially with apples and pears… it’s like they shut down something

Those fruits are low in natural Sugar. Your body burns them easily. I always read on the package how much sugar they contain.

Update: Bad news.

I’ve had a bad few days with groin pain again, despite avoiding sugar, carbs, dairy. My diet is mostly vegetables, nuts, berries and I’m losing weight. I don’t know why I had a temporary improvement just for the pain to come back.