Some help with Gingko Biloba for racy thoughts- need advice

Hello Friends,

I had had problems with poor concentration and lag in comprending sentences with multiple clauses. Racy thoughts were running all the time which I think contributed a lot to my concentration issues. It is a real struggle to read one full page of anything. Even things that interest me - like photography. I could not fully read the magazine one month after I purchased it. Is this close to brain fog? I have had this for a few years now. Even when I wake up in the morning I have racy thoughts and so when I am sleeping (it is never deep sleep).

Now, I have taken Gingko Biloba for last 5 days (2 caps of 60 mg each per day). It has helped atleast by controling racy thoughts for sure. It is a sort of a relief for sure.

I would want to beleive because of this that my racy thoughts are connected to dopamine issues. Any tips on what I can do to continue the good effects I am having. Much appreciated.


Any news?

L-Theanine during the day and Glutathione before bed also helps with racing thoughts