Some Guys Who Think They Have PFS Really Don't

…what happened is they became hypogonadal while on finasteride.

So they quit the finasteride, and still have the hypogonadal symptoms. They think they have PFS.

THIS is why a proper hormonal evaluation must always be done for these patients. There is no doubt finasteride works through a hormonal mechanism–so it makes sense to start there.

The best prognosis is for the guys who have hypogonadal symptoms, AND Low T. The most dreadful cases are those who have the symptoms of Low T, but good hormonal levels.

Thanks for input Dr. Crissler…I have made great progress on clomid in just one month…The first week or so it got even worse thought I was gonna die…Then you notice improvements each day more…My mental sides are almost like pre finasteride…Much more clear and less anxiety although I still have an attack a few times a week and thoughts of suicide but much less…I got physical sides for some reason this stuff destroyed my physical body…I went from a 165lb runner broom stick with endless energy to over 200lbs of fluid like filled flab all over lower ab and chest region…Even upper bicep area is all like a marshmellow…It seems to have lessend some on the clomid now as well but has not improved like the mental aspect did…

All the above is what I experienced in terms of sides and left off the straw hair…All those physical and mental changes were accompained by the old man or “straw hair” as I have dubbed it…Your hair basically dries up like dead…I had very thick, dark and dense are with small thinning around crown…That has not gotten any worse but the hair all over my head now is like straw…I was told it was lack of dht not being able to produce sebum that causes this…No oil but your hair goes from a young persons to looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s now…There was a thread on this forum somewhere about this earlier called " ugly alien Hair"

Dr Crisler is correct. Also many of the guys in this category also become hypothyroid and hypo adrenal. These men are the ones who find easy recoveries.

After working w Crisler for years, and spending close to $30,000 overall on doctors and labs, I 100% have PFS as do most here.

Depends on what your definition of ‘PFS’ is. Seems unnecessarily restrictive to confine it to T levels and hypogonadal symptoms, since other symptom profiles are: 1. still burdensome and 2. caused by finasteride, obviously. It does seem like the most severe cases are normal T, etc. with no corresponding physical/psychological effects. Other symptom profiles are less menacing and easier to recover from but deserve attention (and a place in this community) as well. My own case was significant hypogonadism, hypothyroid, and hypoadrenalism at the outset. Latter two have been volatile but on the whole improving over the now full year since quitting. My testosterone situation began to normalize literally from day 1 of quitting, as evidenced by immediate skeletal and muscular (including dick) regrowth. Every time I’ve woken up from sleep since quitting, my bones have been bigger, with at most a few exceptions. I think improvements in bone mass, size, etc. are a good indicator that you’re not dealing with the severe variety of PFS (even if your sex drive is shitty, hang in there as its likely related to adrenals, which seem to heal easier as moonman stated - it will come in time). If I’m remembering correctly, I’ve read about severe case where bone depletion did not get better despite improving hormone levels. Testosterone and DHT just aren’t able to do their job for whatever reason.

Dr. Crysler:

What do you think is the cause of low 5ar activity after cesation of finasteride?

Ok. Is this actually true? I only took finasteride for a month and I have become hypogonadal because of it. Is it really true that this is all reversible with a proper PCT? If the first PCT doesn’t stick. Then do TRT for a little while to saturate tissues with testosterone and awaken the balls and libido a bit, gain some confidence back and feel manly, then do another PCT?

Can this potentially awaken the balls and shock em back into action
Thanks to everybody who actually replies to stuff. Sent out a million messages and stuff hoping for guidance.

So far been ghosted on every front.
