Depends on what your definition of ‘PFS’ is. Seems unnecessarily restrictive to confine it to T levels and hypogonadal symptoms, since other symptom profiles are: 1. still burdensome and 2. caused by finasteride, obviously. It does seem like the most severe cases are normal T, etc. with no corresponding physical/psychological effects. Other symptom profiles are less menacing and easier to recover from but deserve attention (and a place in this community) as well. My own case was significant hypogonadism, hypothyroid, and hypoadrenalism at the outset. Latter two have been volatile but on the whole improving over the now full year since quitting. My testosterone situation began to normalize literally from day 1 of quitting, as evidenced by immediate skeletal and muscular (including dick) regrowth. Every time I’ve woken up from sleep since quitting, my bones have been bigger, with at most a few exceptions. I think improvements in bone mass, size, etc. are a good indicator that you’re not dealing with the severe variety of PFS (even if your sex drive is shitty, hang in there as its likely related to adrenals, which seem to heal easier as moonman stated - it will come in time). If I’m remembering correctly, I’ve read about severe case where bone depletion did not get better despite improving hormone levels. Testosterone and DHT just aren’t able to do their job for whatever reason.