So I've been on accutane for 7 years straight... plus massive dosages of steroids

I have been on 10mg accutane everyday for the last 7 years straight. The initial dosage was higher.

I’ve always had libido issues but thought it was the gear or hormones. I’ve also abused steroids to a large degree constantly. Now I understand why I think. I need a lot of androgens in me to feel normal. Currently I’m on 1000mg testosterone 500mg trenbolone and 800mg masterone. Daily cialis too. Yet I still stopped functioning recently which led me to consider it may not be related to gear and then I found this forum. The funny thing is I most likely didn’t even need to be taking the accutane but I didn’t want to risk breaking out again. I had no idea accutane resulted in post fin syndrome. My mind is blown right now. So many fucking blood tests trying to figure it out… Now it makes sense. I believe the steroid use masked it for a long time.

Just a thought to other people suffering. Maybe using a lot of testosterone will fix you. Testosterone on its own is not that toxic even in excessive dosages. Upping the dosages did improve everything before.

The weird thing is I had complete sensation and awesome incredible erections just 2 weeks ago when I went back on cialis. Now it doesn’t work. My dick feels numb and empty/hollow. Even if I do manage to get hard somehow it’s not as red as it should be at the tip and I feel nothing stroking it. Super fucking weird.

EDIT: It was mostly down to high estrogen as my body seems to utilise androgens differently after the use of accutane. It may or may not be related to accutane. It’s weird.

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Sorry to hear and read this, but what were you thinking man? 7 years of taking Accutane, a.k.a the poison?!
I hope you recover. The symptoms you describe are very similar for the majority, so don’t feel alone about that.

And please take the survey.

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I hear you bro. I too used Testosterone in dosages of 250mg/wk up to 750mg/wk plus proviron and while it gave me massive libido, I crashed badly after stopping. I used Finesteride and topical Retinoic acid for hair and skin. Cialis won’t work if the issue is non-existant sex drive, you need some libido for it to work.

What’s your estrogen (E2) level? Did you use any AIs? Both trenbolone and masterone are DHT derivatives so that could have resulted in high T/E2 & DHT/E2 ratios. This could literally kill your libido and reduce sensations but produce erections that are rock hard in case you get them.

I have experimented a lot with AIs or no AIs. Ratios and staying in the range and I never really figured it out. I seem to aromatise a lot. There’s still some hope it has something to with hormones but when even cialis doesn’t work that seems really bad. I can’t test for estrogen when I’m on tren. The labs here only do the kind of test that gets affected by estrogen so I have to go by feel.

To be fair it is a very small dosage and it was a miracle drug for me at first. If you’ve had acne so bad you don’t want to leave the house (I was natural back then) you will do whatever it takes to not go back there.

I know how that feels. All I wanted is some hair and clear skin :joy: the ratios are near impossible to balance and gauging by the symptoms only get quite tricky. Low estrogen makes me anxious and depressed with zero libido, clicking joints and dryness since I get frequent urination. The cut off level for me was 19 pg/ml. It literally took me years trying to figure out ways to raise it (without juicing) to say 30 until I figured my real problem lies in the adrenals and not gonads.

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