Anyone else have crashes and sides from smells? Particularly chemicals, air fresheners, perfumes and deodorants?
It could be that the liver is at full capacity and the body is in a toxic state constantly so sensitivity to toxins is increased.
I also have candida in a very bad way too. This itself can also cause chemical sensitivity.
Limbic disfunction… Some of us are stuck in fight and flight and the response to toxins could be elevated.
It started in me a few years ago after crashing from zinc oxide. If someone sprays cleaning products i can smell them well before anyone else its like poison to me. Laundry products any shower gels, washing up liquid, soaps clothing fibres. The cooker fumes and more. People think I’m mad despite there being literature on this.
Replacement to friendlier products hasn’t helped much.
When I fast it reduces but as soon as I eat I can smell the cleaning products that have been used making me think it’s more likely to be the liver and candida for me at least I get extreme headaches worse tinnitus, swollen lymph nodes, narrowing of the air pathways, overwhelming irritability and suicidal ideation.
I have to hide out somewhere for a while. This is a daily occurrence and is brutsl
Hope this helps in someway. I know one or two others who experience this. You are not alone.
I see minoxidil was the culprit in your developmrnt of pfs. I also took minox in addition to fin.
How are things these days have you gotten any restbite after all of these years.
Yes I have this too. Shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, soaps, perfumes, deodorants, detergents, fabric softners - the list is endless.
Just another nightmare to deal with if you have pfs. No one knows why this is the case, we can theorize all we want but it’s pointless.
Knowing you’re enemy and weakening it’s power/hold over you is important.
Liver/candida/limbic disfunction all cause chemical sensitivities as can hormonal imbalances even leaky gut
With the knowledge and then trying to improve things in someway ie reducing exposure changing habits etc can maybe help.
It is never pointless.
You described everything exactly the way it happens to me. The loss of sensation and dullness/ headaches immediately starts when one of those smells hit me. I’m able to work from home to basically stay away from these things but you can never fully get away.
Appreciate you asking how I’ve been. Got to say I know what it takes to have improvement but it’s extremely hard. Most days i just settle with being somewhat comfortable. I still get bad crashes occasionally but I know with time and sleep/ clean lifestyle I will come back to somewhat a manageable condition.
Hows your condition going?
That’s good to hear on the wider condition. Keep you’re chin up my friend.
I know a guy who improved and the chemical sensitivities got better. They were one of the first things to go.
Regarding myself it’s just getting worse but I have faith and will see where this takes me.
No one ever felt better because of worry. So I rest in what will be while trying to do what I can. Either way things will get better one day. I’ve learned so much about people and the world during this time. I’ve met some absolutely granite guys that I would have never come across in my old self centred meaningless life. Suffering like this is a unique experience that enriches the soul. Getting out of this will result in me living a much more humble life trying to make a difference to those less fortunate. For that opportunity I’d be eternally grateful.
that makes Low Cortisol…
Well said my friend. I agree with all of that. I definitely live a life I never imagined but I think it changed me in a way that never would have happened had it not. One way or another it will be over and it definitely gives me comfort knowing this is temporary. Don’t get me wrong though, once in a while I have good days that feel like partial recoveries if I manage everything correctly and I experience a level of happiness not many on earth get to on those days. The drive for those days actually gives us more of a purpose than most.
Yup perfumes and other heavily scented things are my body’s enemy. I like scented things sometimes but I cant use them because I het horribly ill from my multiple chemical sensitivity and often lead to regressions in the sense of the topic of this forum too. There is a definite immune gut axis issue with my sides as when I get these reactions I will get gut reactions too. In fact based on my reactions that axis is the primary offender in things going wrong.