I’m able to get 50% erect the day after I masturbated and without physical stimulation.
I wonder if this is due to the tylenol. I hope this is a recovery!
Beginning of Day 20:
I was able to reach a full erection while masturbating last night. The sensation is still there, but libido still seems pretty low.
I was able to sleep a bit longer - 3 - 4 hours instead of 1-2 hours.
The scalp itch I feel whenever I lay down did not appear last night.
Only 1 strand of hair on my pillow when I got up in the morning. No strands of hairs in shower.
I didn’t feel any hot flushes, night sweats, etc. at night like I did in previous nights.
No ball ache during night, or at least it was so subtle I didn’t take note of it.
Fever has died down again.
I’m wondering if my symptoms before were due to the cold / flu I got.
Middle of Day 20:
- I stopped taking Tylenol. Fever is still there. I’m getting slightly concerned about this fever.
Day 22:
I did not notice any ball ache yesterday and today so far. I noticed that I didn’t drink any ginseng drink yesterday, so maybe that was what caused my ball ache.
I also fell asleep a lot easier last night. I didn’t have any problem falling asleep when I first laid down, but the sleep only last for ~4 hours. Hopefully this improves.
Fever is still there but much weaker.