Twice in my life, after two separate traumatic events, I’ve lost the ability to sleep, going weeks on almost no actual zonking, which becomes a very hellish existence. These were both pre-finasteride and so unrelated.
I’ve been taking Trazodone as needed for sleep for the past 1.5 years. I was taking it for several months before I started fin. Traz helped, most definitely. I noticed almost no negative side effects or grogginess the next day (but I never had to get up early during the pandemic).
The first time I had a trauma-induced issue with insomnia, I was prescribed Mirtazapine. It worked, but left me extremely groggy for hours the next day and insatiably hungry always (and if I’m not careful I balloon up, even when not taking anything).
It’s good that, at the time, something successfully zonked me out. But based on what people on this forum say about their experience with Mirtazapine, I’m glad I wasn’t on it when I started fin. I know there’s a user here who crashed after Trazadone, but my body feels like it handles it fine.
I started a new job recently and found that the Traz makes me feel groggy until about 1030 or 11am. So I stopped taking it this past week to be alert at work in the mornings. Today, I got overwhelmed with brain fog. I couldn’t think straight. I could tell rationally that I was tired, but there was no way in hell a nap was going to happen. And I am a nap enthusiast. I love taking them. I also don’t think this instance of brain fog is related to PFS, since none of the other symptoms returned; only brain fog, wired/tired, lack of ability to concetrate etc.
I think I haven’t been getting enough restful sleep this past week since I stopped taking Traz. I’ll try a half dose tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. A full dose would definitely zonk me out too hard as I’ve been off it for a week now.
Sleep really is fascinating. How and why and WHY is it so important? But it is. Any speculation on my part as to why it is so important would be meandering into psycho-spiritual dream analysis and bullshit that is only interesting to the person who is talking about it.
OK. Enough rambling. Bedtime. Goodnight.
Edit just to add that I just looked it up and apparently Trazadone has been found in studies to improve sexual function. So maybe it helped me recover some over the past 8 months.