So my GP referred me to a hospital that has a sleep unit about 15 miles from where I live in the UK.
Was referred back in May 2020 so I have been involved with them for just over a year .
I’m interested to hear what other peoples experiences where from doing sleep studies…
I basically did two actigrqphy studies (wearing the watch) and then did a full Polysomnography back in May where I did not sleep at all .
Of course I was actually pleased at that , as I wanted them to see me on a bad night and see what it is I go through .
3 months after my Polysomnography and they finally call me today as I had been waiting to hear the results and they say to me over the phone - you didn’t sleep at all during the PSG what happened?
I’m like ….you’re asking me what happened ? That’s what I want to know from you for crying out loud!! Isn’t this your job to tell me why I’m not sleeping !
Of course as you can imagine they didn’t suggest anything further except doing online CBTi courses for insomnia . Great.
So now I’m at a further loss on what to do as I have now wasted nearly a year and a half going to a sleep centre to have them tell me I need to sign on and do a fucking CBT course .
I mean generally Mirtazapine has improved me ….but I still get the odd night of zero hours every two to 3 weeks and they seem to be picking up in frequency again .
Shall I try going for a private neurologist or as this is a neurotransmitter issue perhaps a functional MRI scan ? Thoughts please , cheers in advance