Skin problem

Hey guys this is becoming a daily hell for me. Dry lips, dry skin, black bags and wrinkles. What is causing this?

Other than what you already know (androgen deprivation) no on can answer this sufficiently. Try the paleo diet if you haven’t already started it, get good, high quality moisturizers, use vitamin E oil, try to deal with it. Take Omega 3 fish oil supplements in higher doses, I use multiple grams/day or I eat fish high in omega 3.

Is it really androgen deprivation? I thought it was androgen deficiency. Thanks heaps for the tips :slight_smile:

Tissues undergo androgen deprivation when there is androgen deficiency. Are you familiar with a dictionary?

Makes sense. Cheers.

what is your experience with vitamin e oil?

I have used it, primarily as a moisturizer (no other intended purpose). I did not take oral but applied directly to the skin.

This is so depressing. Now i’m losing my youthful appearance. This is so messed up, all from two tablets.

i like rubbing down dry skin with coconut oil, maybe you want to give it a try … i know what you mean though, i always had a nice healthy oily skin, and when i started using finasteride, everything became dry and rough and it can be pretty uncomfortable

Yeah the dryness doesn’t bother me because moisteriser fixes that, but wrinkes…at 21 wowee.

How do your wrinkles express themselves propeciashiz? Are they just around your eyes, or on your cheeks as well? Are they random or are they expression lines, or formed from where you’ve been sleeping? I’ve been majorly effected by this myself and it’s interesting how this particular side seems to effect fewer guys. I’m really not sure what determines who gets what sides, as if it’s some sick lucky dip of shit both whilst on the drug and after stopping. The damage to my skin kind of snuck up on me from long term use of the drug. I’m really sorry that this has happened to you after such a short time.

Re: my last post, the point I was making about our mixed bag of sides does demonstrate how complex, intricate and intertwined the role of 5-alpha reductase is in our bodies and is proof enough that Merck’s lies that it has a very simple role which is of no consequence is utter shite. Hopefully this will also be used in any law suit.

Big black bags under eyes and lines under eyes and along cheek bones

Going to try this

• Vitamin A at 5000 I.U. daily

• Vitamin E at 200-400 I.U. in the morning

• Vitamin C at a minimum of 1,000 milligrams daily

• Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 milligrams in divided doses during breakfast and lunch

• Acetyl L-Carnitine- at a daily dose of 500-1,500 milligrams

• L-Glutamine at 25 grams daily spread out over 3 doses

• Silica— 15 drops in 8 ounces of clean water, twice daily

• Omega-6 and/or Omega-3 essential fatty acids— For fish oil, 1-2 teaspoons a day with meals. For super GLA/DHA, 3 capsules, 2 times a day with a meal.

Stick. With omega 3, you should get most omega 6s from your diet. Do no exceed 5000 IU vit A / day as you can get poisoning. GL

Thanks :slight_smile: God this is a nightmare.

Have you considered a retinoid cream? They have been proven to decrease wrinkles and promote collagen growth. I asked about retinoids when I was recently at a dermatologist and she has prescribed differin cream at 0.1 strength. I’m going to try it for a couple of months and then consider moving on to a stronger retinoid. Active vitamin C serum also promotes collagen growth: The website is pretty much a one stop shop re: skincare and is moderated by a guy who is a researcher with a special interest in the regulation of cell growth and the mechanisms of the aging process and is def worth a look.

can i put it on my dick? just kidding

Is retanoid cream something an accutane side effects sufferer would use?

They seem to share similar sides as us. I am thinking vitamin A may be bad for some reason.

Well, yes and no, in the most things ins not “real” Vitamin A its the provitamin Beta-Carotin.
So that the body can covert it to “pure” Vitamin A Retinol acid how much he needs. So there is no real danger.

Real Retinol acid can cause in high dosages, the same Problem that fin does.