Skin changes update

Well I asked for a referral to a dermatologist because of the many skin changes most worryingly the loose skin and visible collapse of facial issue. My GP rang to state that the dermatologist doesn’t want to see me. He stated these changes will be permanent and there’s nothing to restore them or the collagen. I’ve been advised to use topical cream for the dryness, which I’ve been going for yeaes. He also told the GP that PFS is highly controversial and a lot of the sides can be physcological as a result of the forums. Like I can inagine the many physical symptoms. Another wanker in the NHS ranks. The main reason for the post is that this guy stated these changes are permanent. Looks like fillers and surgery are the best best for those with the facial changes. I’ve had needling which did nothing. Probably due to the natural collagen build being switched off.


I have severe collagen loss as well and I can say it’s not “permanent”, but as long as you still have PFS you will have collagen loss.

In healthy people collagen is being formed 24/7 by the androgen receptors which synthesize the proteins. When the androgen receptors get shut off (which cortisol can do, so psychological can play a role) 50% of the collagen in your skin can leave within minutes.

Don’t focus too much on your skin and getting treatments like laser which will irritate it, focus on your health and PFS as a whole.


You mean you can reverse the effects if you recover ?

The only way you can reverse it, is by getting better from PFS. Even it means a partial recovery.

I had lots of collagen loss below my eyes icm with very dry eyes, however this symptom did get better with time…

No medication or vitamin, that helped me, I just tried to eat healthy (dont smoke and drink) and wait it out…

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Agreed if your in that group who recover. Unfortunately I’m continuing to deteriate like one or two very unfortunate others.

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are you able to work out? if so, try to do some light workout (perhaps lifting weights) 3x a week.
I notice my symptoms decrease when I lift weights.

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I’ve never stopped mate but steadily lost strength , size, muscle, the lot. I believe my receptors/body has an issue with creatine as well as many other things.

damn, do you have days where your skin seems a bit better, or is it just trashed daily?

Its trashed always. I’ve got high levels of creatine which is what I’d expect given my PFS diet. However none of it is getting into the muscle. Same with testosterone etc. It’s a very bleak picture unfortunately. I’ve just got to hope time brings some improvements. Thus so far I’ve had no signs it’s soul destroying. Everything has been hit hard. .

Yes, when I got back on my drug in June my skin was back for about 3 days, nice and oily, glowing, firm. Then as the rest of the syndrome got back to baseline so did my skin.

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Go look at “Skin, Muscle, and Bone” from the user Damn on Swole-Source. Photographic evidence of these types of issues recovering.