Skin Changes: brown spots, wrinkles, hair etc. With photos

Hey man, I read your story and your symptoms are similar to mine, specifically the progressive all over body muscle weakness/soften and inability to gain increase in strength from exercise. I’m 25 and I live in Boston, Massachusetts, I have been trying to find a solution for this shit for 3 years since 2018. All my muscles, from head to toe, that kept my body sturdy and strong is now completely weak, loose and soft. All my joints, from my neck to my ankles, are unstable and painfully pop and click. Even the muscles that kept my internal gastrointestinal organs, such as my intestines and stomach, in place have become weak. I’ve tried several treatments these past 3 years and nothing has improved my muscle condition. I would like to talk to you about your experience, let me know if you want to chat, my email is


I’ve this symptom too

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Did you get the Hgh prescribed by a doctor or did you have to source it yourself? How long did you use it for if you don’t mind me asking.

Yea, I got it prescribed by a doctor in Waltham, Mass. I only took it for about two weeks to see if it would decrease my all over body severe nerve pain which is a result of the widespread muscle weakness and joint weakness. I didn’t take it for enough time to see if it would increase my muscle strength and joint stability which would would have to be at least 3 months of consistent daily injections. I couldn’t afford it, it was $700 every month. Once I realized it didn’t help my severe muscle and nerve pain, I gave up on it.

It’s been 3 years, since 2018 that I stopped taking the finasteride. I was 22 and now I’m 25 and things have only gotten worse. I stopped going to school to focus on fixing the damage it had done to me. The intense nerve pain and severe muscle weakness have only gotten worse over time. At first I thought I would wait for time to see if my body can go back to the way it use to function but I noticed the muscle weakness progressed and the nerve pain got worse. So I then decided to go different medical departments in Boston to see if they can help me, I went to neurologist, Rheumatologist, and endocrinologist. None of them could help me, all blood tests came back normal according to them. I went to integrative medicine also and got different IV treatments and vitamin/mineral injections, none of it lessened my nerve pain or stopped the progression of the muscle weakness.

It’s now 2021 and I feel hopeless of ever getting better and regretful for the decision that I made to take the drug. I have become so much physically weak. The only thing that has helped my intense nerve pain caused by the severe muscle weakness is the plant Kratom, without it I wouldn’t be able to function and work to pay my bills. The neurologist and rheumatologist doctors have given me nerve pain drugs such as Cymbalta, Gabapentin, pregabalin and amytriptiline. None of them worked to reduce my severe nerve and muscle pain. If anyone here lives in Massachusetts or Rhode Island and is going through the same problem, let me know so we can chat.


Hello, i am just 23 as well, i have same physical problems like severe muscle weakness and pain like u said. The only time i got better was when i reduced my Thyroid and cortisol, lower than above normal range like low normal. If i keep these two hormones at low normal, my physical wastage and weakness gets better. What i did was i took Ashwagandha, brahmi/bacopa, giloy powder and took it with boiled milk every morning and night. It reduced my cortisol and thyroid and my muscle wastage stopped. But then this ash, bacopa combination was giving me anhedonia so i quit that. My muscle weakness and pain has started again and i don’t know what to do.

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My hand palms since PFS. They constantly feel cold and drained like after being in the swimming pool for hours. Note the wrinkle lines along the fingers.
Anyone has this? Even if i dont take a shower for 2-3 days, it would stay that dry like

Yes ive got that

I’ve even more severe version than this, my palms are wasting as well, body wise, i’ve become an aids patient. I am just 23.

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What do you @LazarusRy think is behind this phenomenon? Which part has faided of our hand palms? Is it the fat? is it the epidermis’ partial atrophy?

@andras33 i believe its estrogen women get pruning when going through the change. My hands have softened with muscle loss around the hands too and fingers have thinned.

Thanks! Do you think we could try anything to repair this?

I’ll do my research too on this, cause its so ennoying - yet of course one of my minor problems

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My hands look the same. Its very disturbing


I think its a consequence of damaged receptors so we’re deprived of essential hormones and this is the result of long term loss. If i tense my neck muscles you can see long tendons with caverns same in my face legs etc. Collagen muscle cartilage subcontenous fat loss. Basically some of us are seeing global erosion of soft tissue.Fix the receptors and it will all come back. For some who recover which is generally early on ‘hormonal disfunction’ things return. A guys face changed dramatically like the scream mask but his features returned to normal at 2 years. Naturally!

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received_130693082326369was 17 inch 3 years ago like a turkeys now

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Wow ! I wish I’ll recover from this. I read about pruney fingers’ reason:
“It is now known that pruney fingers are the result of blood vessels that constrict below the surface of the skin. The condition is tied to the function of the nervous system.”

Have this side with your hand palms ever improved?

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Unfortunately not, food plays a major role in my symptoms

too bad :frowning: I’ll do my research and trying stuff

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If i can provide a positive!! approx 2 years ago i was taking tumeric not for pfs but within days i started to improve at end of 1 week i looked younger skin tightened frame became masculine eyes sparkled, mentally i was sharper and anxiety free i was sleeping and getting erections, i was on line. Women were looking at me again and i felt strong. This shows that we wont start from a weakened point if this gets cured. We’d basically return to pre fin. . A big positive to hang on to. Unfortunately i crashed a week later then realised the cause. But it shows that this is fixable

Yeah, its worth to hang in there. We gotta try our own what might help us, cause time flies away.
I’m sure regular excersize could help big time, cant wait for gyms to re-open after this covid mess.

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