Very simple question. I mean fully erected. I was having 17- 18cm before pfs now i have around 16cm but maybe i need cialis to get very hard to achieve.
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Very simple question. I mean fully erected. I was having 17- 18cm before pfs now i have around 16cm but maybe i need cialis to get very hard to achieve.
Please delete if it doesnt fit.
My size is the same if I kegal to achieve a full erection. The problem is that I can’t achieve a full erection normally. The glans won’t inflate and the shaft rarely gets completely hard.
Lost 2 inches in length and a lot of girth too
what do you mean kegal for full erection?
if you kegel with an erection it temporarily engorges it with more blood. That’s one of the ways I can get the glans to inflate, but it’s momentary.
Hard to say … in the beggining of PFS symptoms (18 months ago), I noticed shrinkage and really freaked out! I got a penis pump in the following days and that helped alot. I keep using it once in a while. I believe it is the main reason I was able to maintain my size (no gains though), and it also hardens my erections (from soft to medium).