Side effects from just 1 pill?

Hopefully, I’ll end up like those guys. Thanks for the reassurance. I needed this!

Thanks, my usual routine already includes taking vitamin D, Zinc and fish oil tablets. I’ll try my best to stay positive for the coming weeks.

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If I were you I would avoid zinc. Zinc is anti androgenic. We have reports of people worsening when consuming zinc. To some degree it is a natural part of a normal diet. But at the very least you should avoid large quantities of it, which is why I would recommend against consuming it via supplement.

Noted, I’ll avoid that from now on.

Avoid for ever finasteride, dutasteride, Saw Palmetto (even if its topical/champú), and some suplements.

OFC a pill can cause sides, but give It time and you Will be way better. And try to no stress yourself, sleep, make exercise, eat healthy, etc.

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BTW, did you have any stressful experience right before your crash? This happened to me before my initial episodes which made me believe those were stress-related.

No I was feeling fine on the days leading upto it. I was heavily contemplating if I should take it or for a few weeks but I wasn’t stressed. Took it around 3.30 pm for the first time and later that day I went to masterbate (with porn) and couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. That’s when I started freaking out.

It’s now the 5th day since I’ve taken just the one pill and no improvements so far. I’ve had some weird sensations in my crotch/lower abdomen area a few times on and off. I hope it’s my body returning to normal. Starting to hate the internet now because a lot of content is sexualised which makes me think of my current situation. Going to church today for the first time in a while. I was raised catholic so hoping to pray to make myself feel better and keep out the suicidal thoughts.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s so familiar to me.
I hope you’ll be able to find peace in yourself and abandon those dark thoughts. And that recovery is near, of course.

It took me 1-2 weeks to recover from erectile dysfunction. It wasn’t a fun experience at all having to wait whether it would improve or not. I’m back to normal for the most part around 90-95%. Each person is different, though. Like @Wintermoon said, it hasn’t been that long since you took the pill. It can take weeks or months for your hormone levels to recuperate.

If it gives you any light, I lost my virginity only after the whole PFS situation. I started taking Finasteride at 23 years old, but now I’m 25 years old and it hasn’t been on my mind as much anymore.

It’s been exactly 1 week. Still no improvements. The weird sensations in my crotch/lower abdomen is becoming more frequent. It doesn’t hurt just feels weird.

Hey, the recovery might be as sudden as the symptoms onset. At least it happened to me like that. And as I understand, there’s a 3 months window when things could get better naturally. Try not to focus on the these problems for some time.

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Too early to tell if this is gonna last long term. I wouldn’t freak out man. Vast majority of people go back to normal. Pfs is rare.


Only answering to @Toughluck24, no bad mindset, everybody will recover! OK?!

Millions take propecia, more Millions take proscar against benign prostate hyperplasia and only some 0,1 pro mille get pfs symptoms. Apear here desperate with their symptoms after some days, weeks but many of them have only the normal very more common finasteride side effects subsiding after some weeks to 3 month, when the blocked 5ar enzyms are totally exchanged with new unblocked 5ar enzyms.

But this solve of normal and common finasteride side effects has definitely nothing to do with a pfs “recovery”. Because in this cases they never developed the permanent post finasteride syndrome. But often this lucky cases stand than here and tell over their incredible recovery over years. Specifically about their great sexlife and how good they feel. For me absolutely unfair.

Than there seem to be some cases of a first year recovery, guys who develope pfs symptoms after a crash and go back near to normal again.

With the time many patients get used to the new situation and most of them get better neurological with brainfog and Derealisation phenomens. Some mild pfs cases, with no genital atrophy and venous leak are able to recover over the time.

The recovery section says recovery stories give us hope. But all the absurd recovered after 11 years severe pfs after shijat himalaya salt intake and the detailed now sex seven times in a row story format is more disturbing than helpful for me. And this story format connected to the 100 % recovery protocol format proliferate in such a manner that all the normal pfs patients with their daily suffering think to be an outsider and a minority between all the recovery professionals. Not willing for heavy injection, not willing for recovery.

This is absolutely not true.


Just wanted to Update. After a week and 2 days I was back to normal.

It’s now been exactly two weeks and I’m fairly certain I’m back. The first week was crazy. I was contemplating suicide and I could only calm down once I figured out a way to take myself out. That’s what calmed me down, the fact that I could end it if this side effect became permanent. I’ve had suicide thoughts before but it was real this time. That was the darkest I’ve ever felt in my life. I really want to thank everyone who’s replied to my thread, your kind words really helped me pull through this dark period in my life.

My heart goes out for everyone who’s suffering through this and I hope that there’s some breakthrough in the future that leads to curing this awful disease.

My hair is thinning and I’ve come to accept it. I’ll never be touching this stuff again, not even Saw Palmetto the supposed natural remedy. After doing a lot more reading/research I am convinced that the studies were skewed/biased when it came to those who experienced the side effects.

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I wrote it!

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Thank you for returning and telling this. I’m really glad you’re back to normal. Be aware of other drugs that could possibly cause PFS-like condition and stay away from them, you’re clearly in the risk group.


I told you to give it 1-2 weeks. That was the timeframe for me.

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Another update:
The days following my return to normalcy I was masterabting 2 times a day some days more and it was going fine till yesterday afternoon I noticed it took some time stimulating my penis while watching porn to get it erect and if I lost focus it’ll go back down quite fast. The same thing happened the next time I masterbated. When I think sexual thoughts my penis gets maybe 10% erect then I’ll have to stimulate it with porn for a few minutes to get it fully erect.

This has gotten me scared a little bit but I’ve heard recovery is very much zig zag like. I’ll try abstaining from masterbating and check back in a couple of days and hope it’ll go back to normal. My libido has been on the lower side.

Just dont get obsessed, reading your post im sure you will recover, just avoid stress my friend :slight_smile:

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