Side effects from just 1 pill?

I wrote it!

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Thank you for returning and telling this. Iā€™m really glad youā€™re back to normal. Be aware of other drugs that could possibly cause PFS-like condition and stay away from them, youā€™re clearly in the risk group.


I told you to give it 1-2 weeks. That was the timeframe for me.

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Another update:
The days following my return to normalcy I was masterabting 2 times a day some days more and it was going fine till yesterday afternoon I noticed it took some time stimulating my penis while watching porn to get it erect and if I lost focus itā€™ll go back down quite fast. The same thing happened the next time I masterbated. When I think sexual thoughts my penis gets maybe 10% erect then Iā€™ll have to stimulate it with porn for a few minutes to get it fully erect.

This has gotten me scared a little bit but Iā€™ve heard recovery is very much zig zag like. Iā€™ll try abstaining from masterbating and check back in a couple of days and hope itā€™ll go back to normal. My libido has been on the lower side.

Just dont get obsessed, reading your post im sure you will recover, just avoid stress my friend :slight_smile:

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Since the start of this whole debacle I stopped hitting the gym mainly due to depression. Iā€™m gonna start hitting the gym again.

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Xd but take It easy Dont make super effort since beginning, be gradual, dont fatigue your body my friend :slight_smile:

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