
Hi All,

I haven’t been feeling well for about a month…like I have a stomach bug. I can’t even eat certain foods anymore without feeling sick. Could this be a result of stress? Or could it be a symptom of depression? I have been pretty stressed and a little down lately, but I’m definitely not suicidal.

Does anyone else have a problem like this? I would appreciate any advice.


I have been like this for 4 months. all the time NAUSEATED. Un able to eat any thing for the fear of vomit.
in this condition broccoli is very useful. I ate broccoli for 4 months. for first one month 3 times every day. I was taking raw broccoli in blender and then filtering it’s juice (raw broccoli).

give it a try and post your comments.


Trevor, please introduce yourself to the forum and provide more background on your situation… are you currently taking Finasteride, have you quit Fin, when etc?

I had this for months before getting off and probably 8-12 months after quitting fin…

My stomach used to ache all the time after quitting find. Like an ulcer or something.


There you go, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Same here…Stomach ached bad after finasteride usage. It still does on/off depending on foods I eat.