I feel so sick. I see some dates of
Why everything I try to post something a big blue bar with post suggestions obscures mytyping and cannot be removed. Fine I’ll type even if it comes out as gibberish. Not my fault.
There must be someone who has the neuropathy pain. There must be someone who knows what I need to do next and not bombard me with an insane regimen.
I see dates far back of people posting and feel sick. Knowing that these forums existed well before I took fin. It makes me livid I didnt know about them.
To say I’m not coping is an understatement. The neuropathy pain, extreme dryness, and the fatigue is killing me. My family a discussed sectioning even though I’ve told them the worst of this is from the condition due to fin. Mental Heakth teams say I dont meet their criteria anyway.
Meanwhile I’ve now noticed very bad tinnitus and cramping. Insomnia is new and I get mini panic attacks at night.
I’ve had people on here insist my nerve pain is a result of anxiety (it isnt) and people come up with massively varying ideas as to treat all this. Posts are sometimes overly laden with jargon. One guy said that 5ar is the problem and I need to get spinal fluid testes. Some have got angry i havent immediately followed their suggestion.
I look to before my crash and see a wo.serful charismatic, creative, very intelligent. And very handsome man (been told it for many years)
Now the symptoms and chronic loneliness and loss of my dreams is killing me.