Have you experienced ongoing sensations similar to what I’ve described here?
- yes
- no
- not sure
0 voters
I want to ask all of you here if you have remember the sensations in your penis and testes after quitting FIN (or, approximately 2 weeks after quitting as we’ve stated elsewhere in this forum). I quit FIN cold turkey and in 2 weeks to 2.5 weeks after quitting, I remember lying in bed one night when the sensations became very strong. It was during this time that my penis and testes shrank dramatically. The sensations I felt seemed to be the tissues in the penis and testes shriveling or involuting.
In any case, months later, there are sensations in my penis similar to that time after quitting Finasteride. similar but not identical. The only pattern I have noticed as this occurs is that the sensations are more noticeable when I been feeling utterly hopeless, emotionally distraught, and when I get hung up on thoughts about the past. It’s as if my horrid emotional state directly affects my penis.
survey question is about the above^^^^
Aside from the penis and testes–but not seperate from them–my prostate (or thereabouts, but definitely NOT the large intestine) feels like it spasms daily. I know how spasms of the bowels feel and it has definitely NOT been my bowels. Have you felt this? often?