shrinkage continues...that's it? no hope?

it’s funny how things can only get worse each day. except the shrinkage of my whole penile skin, i have no side effects at all in my body, i gained huge muscles since i stopped using propecia 2 years ago, anyone who sees me thinks im 100% while in fact i feel 1% at best.
my penis feels numb most of the day, it lost so much girth. seems like the skin there is just dying day by day slowly but surely.
about my scrotum i don’t have anything to add from my last post, the process is very clear, i have images of before and after and when looking at those pictures of before and after it will look like 2 completely different men. one man with a thick and healthy looking penis and scrotum, and the other with a dying penis and almost non existing scrotum skin. it’s so clear.

my whole scrotum and penis skin is simply dying,red, hurting, burning, itching,…i don’t even know how to describe this. i see this process hapnnening in front of my eyes and have zero control over it. i tried A-blocker for a couple of weeks- didnt help, tried cialis with same results.
what gives me no hope at all is the fact that there is simply no single doctor who believes in my story. even when i show them the pictures of before and after, they simply say that this might be a normal process of someone in my age (23…yea right…). i have been to at least 40 different doctors including flying over to NY for dr. Paduch…and nothing…
lost hope…

my mental side hasn’t been effected directly from proepcia im sure about it, but those side effects surely did effect my mental side and im becoming simply apathetic about everything in my life because i know that there is simply no hope and future for me, so why bother anymore?


I feel the same

My skin in thinning and penis shrinking too

Shrinkage has gotten better and better each month for me, but still no libido. I wish I had taken a photo of what my penis looked like at the end of last Sept. The medical community would be absolutely stunned

the pictures i’ve taken didnt help me at all to convince the doctors that i have a problem, everyone of them found a different reason to why the pictures are different - “lightning is different”, “these things happen at this age”, “you found those pictures on the internet, it’s not really you, go see a psychiatrist”, “it’s all in your head” and the list goes on and on…

My penis shrank to a quarter of its size and was retreating into my body.

what did doctors say to you about it?

nothing, it keeps getting better

What’s your testosterone level?

If its low like mine this could cause the problem

Also when you go for a shit does your penis change shape?

Mine does

all the test results are exactly in the middle…and yea i also noticed some weird shape to my penis when i go for a shit

For me, my penis shape had never improved and only gotten worse with time!!!

My balls feel empty too.

My T level is 6.9 nmol

I’m depressed to the point I’m in a mental
Home and I also have zero libido, no sensation in my penis and total emotional bluntness

This is unbearable for but I feel
For you at only 23!!!

do you take any medication to make the situation better?


Maybe bob had better results because he only took it for 3 weeks

I think Mew has done a good job debunking notion that length of use matters. I still cannot get an erection with any PED. And my hair has grown back even though I’m not taking the meds and haven’t since last august

my dick and balls looks like I just got out of an ice cold swimming pool at all times

Worried, tigers hull. Chill out and relax. You will get better

Bob thanks for trying to cheer us up…but for the last 1.5 year things have only gotten worse for me , shrinkage that doesn’t seem to stop and i have pictures to prove it…can’t see this process stopping suddenly without any reason, it’s been dying for 1.5 year and it will continue to die unless i do something about it…problem is i have no clue what to do to change that process and same goes with all the 40 doctors who i visited in the last months who look at me like im some kind of a freak who has fallen from the moon. a dead end for me.

WORRIED1- Darius Paduch is involved in PFS, he looked at you like you were crazy?

He actually wanted to help somehow but said that it wouldnt help if i put all the blame on propecia and that its not possible that it happened due to my usage of this poision.he tried to find other reasons for my problems…he found that i have prostatitials(he is not the first doc who checked my prostate but hes the first who claimed that he found a problem there so i dont know what to think)…bottom line- a dead end

I would get your T level checked again soon!!!