Should I take doxycycline?

I went traveling last year to an area with a high risk of contracting malaria, so before I went I was advised to get a prescription of doxycycline in order to treat the malaria if I got it, that being said, I never used the pills. (I have 100 of them) Anyways, I have read on this site about some people using doxycyline and getting good (albeit temporary) results? So I was thinking about possibly using my doxycycline pills and seeing what happens. On the other hand I am scared to death of messing with my body by using drugs, as well as the fact that my health and sexual functioning has stabilized for the most part and I am able to sexually perform decently at the moment. I would hate myself if I foolishly used doxy and it had some adverse side affects and resulted in me losing my sexual gains again. Anyways, what do people here think? Should I try taking doxy???

im using minocycline, very similar, no adverse reaction so far.

any benefits so far?