Hey guys it has been 10 month since quieting the propecia everything improoving not insomnia my family is planning to get my marriage done should i marriage or tell them the truth i m only son what a nightmare
Hard to answer this without knowing your family (how will they take it, will that make life better or worse for you, etc).
Looking at some of your past posts, I am not sure what symptoms you have other than sleep issues. That is something that will improve with time, so if that is all that is going on, don’t let it hold you back from getting on with life. I have just posted in one of your threads suggesting melatonin and guided meditation, it helped me.
If there is a serious sexual dysfunction element to your condition, I would suggest, given that it is likely going to be a concern for your family, you go for a fertility test before telling them, because I could imagine this will be a question they want answering, and you might want to go through that without the chatter of concerned relatives in your ear and have an answer for them up front.
Seriously, mate? You guys still do arranged marriages and “get your marriage done” by your family? Call me culturally insensitive but I can never endorse that, PFS or not.
I would say it is more ignorant than culturally insensitive. You are apparently unaware that arranged marriage still happens when more than half of global marriages are arranged according to a 2012 study. Took me 2 minutes to look that up.
The real point being, he didn’t come seeking anyone’s endorsement of his culture, he came seeking advice on his situation. This is a very international community, so let’s try not to predicate advice on people living by Western standards. He is apparently willing to enter into an arranged marriage, so as long as his wife to be is also a willing adult, it is really nothing to do with anyone.
Love and good will to one and all, including yourself Sibelio.
So long as you yourself and everyone involved feel happy and ready to marry then go for it.
If you’re also improving all the time that sounds really positive too.
Not cool to assume your own belief system is superior to someone else’s. You apparently believe that current Western/Judeo-Christian conventions are the best. I guess we’ll see. For several decades now, Eastern societies have had an upward trajectory whereas Western societies have had a downward trajectory in terms of socioeconomic metrics as well as measures of happiness such as suicide rate.
Well, since you are the one raising this issue, I can tell you that “my own believe system” would not put me in the specific conundrum you are in, and I would not be here asking the question you are asking since my partner, the one I was thinking of marrying, would already know I have PFS and we would have thought deeply together what that would mean for us, rather than my partner finding out on the first marriage night or soon thereafter. That’s clearly a different way of doing things. Whether that’s superior or not I’ll let you be the judge.
Wrong person. Anyway, just because we do things a certain way where we are doesn’t mean that the way other people do things is wrong. Right now the vast majority of people in the West either don’t get married and have kids or get divorced breaking the household. There’s possibly nothing more destructive to a society than single parenthood as shown by drug use, prison, educational achievement and just about any other measure of life success. The west also is failing to reproduce. So right now it’s in the process of being replaced by people with more traditional/successful family practices. Not trying to moralize. Just pointing out that the West of the last 50 years or so is the one failing on family/child-rearing side, not other.
Hi, in my opinion that is not enough time to know whether or not you really have PFS. Maybe you could tell someone you are still experiencing some effects from the drug but I personally wouldn’t go around telling people worst case scenarios yet.
Thanks mates you guys are my family
What ended up happening man?