Sexual symptoms getting worse during illness

I’ve had a fever and bad cough the last couple of days which started with a few scab like marks forming on my lip. Went to the doctor and she just said it was probably cold sores and a viral infection. What’s weird is that during this time my libido has dropped close to 0 (from around 30% usual) and I feel absolutely no sensitivity in my genitals and there is 0 pleasure or feeling during ejaculation. I’m not too worried as my symptoms ebb and flow and I’m assuming once I’m over my illness I’ll return to baseline, but I was curious what yalls thoughts on this were. From what I read most of you usually have a relief of symptoms when you’re sick? Has me wondering if I would benefit from giving prep a shot.

There seem to be a connetion between immune system and PFS. Since I got PFS, I was never ill.


So odd because I’m currently experiencing something very similar. I wasn’t sure if it was me withdrawing from some sleeping aids or whether it was just me being sick and I was quite worried. ED worse than usual because of the lack of libido too?

Also, this is my first time getting ill since PFS.

I’d say I get sick just about as much as before pfs but when I’m sick all sexual symtoms usually get worse. (Which makes sense because the body is devoting resources to getting better and not worried about sex I would assume)

first time im sick now after pfs (1 year ago) as well. from very small libido to now no libido currently. so yes i have the same shit

Could it be that things that improve our immunfunction or aid it tend to improve side effects as well? Because I feel sexually better on antibiotics aswell

I have no clue because apparently immunosuppressants have also “cured” people on here

Antibiotics are immunosuppressive.

And everyone feels like shit when sick, it’s not PFS related.

How are antibiotics immunosuppressive? Isn’t the only function to kill off bacteria?

It kills everything, and weakens the immune response.

I’m now sick with a cold and my libido is much stronger. Can feel ‘life’ in my prostate region. So strange.