Sexual Dysfunction After Seroquel

Quick Review.
Sleeping Problems since months.
Only solution: Quetiapin / Seroquel ??
Only Effect.

A long term sexual dysfunction about up to 80% since more then 1 year.
Reminder after a few weeks & pills.
This is what they call:

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Do you have any other symptoms whatsoever?

Damn dude that kinda sucks. I was personally on a big dosage of risperidone for some rough 5 months and it was hell on earth. If you are still taking seroquel I would strongly advice you into tappering slowly, if not - that was a bad move to quit cold turkey lol.
Centering on lowering brain inflammation, or inflammation in general, and using a dopamine agonist which preferably is natural helps a lot.

This storm will pass, trust me.