sex/masturbation frequence

just an average

4 times in a week

in a good period i could everyday, but i limit myself

People here?

I used to everyday back when i first became a pfs sufferer, just to reassure myself that i could. I’ve since changed my approach. I dont know whether abstinence is going to help me, i do know that masturbating frequently didnt help me. Like i said on aother thread in this part of the forum: i think it’s important to be aroused/get erections frequently to keep things going, but preferably without ejaculating too often as this can raise prolactin levels and generally tax your system more. Just my theory, abstaining as of the first of this month, i’ll post back on whether it appears to help.

i try to make sure its no more than twice a week. Anymore than that and my situation hits a low and Im not the same for a few days